
How do I track my water usage?

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I'm pretty convinced my utility company is failing to reset my meter or whatever they look at to determine my water usage. My first full-month water bill was $60, then $80, then $120, now $160!

Where do I look to keep track of my water usage? It's hard for me to believe 2 people (me and my wife) can use 30,000 gallons in one month (1,000/day)




  1. The meter should be out at the street or around the front of the house. It probably is an analog meter the style of an odometer in a car. You can track it from there. And to my knowledge, there is nothing to reset. They just read it and keep a running tab on it from one month to the next

    The fact that you say it is increasing each month indicates there could be a leak and it is getting worse. Make sure everything in the house and yard are off and monitor it for a couple of hours and see if the meter moves. If it does you have a leak somewhere in your system. And yes, you will have to pay for it if you determine you have a leak.

    Good luck

  2. This definitely needs looked into. There is a meter on your system. Call the utility company and have them check the meter. They don't reset the reading on your meter, they just continue the reads.

  3. Look at your water meter. You can write down the numbers each day and compare. While looking at it, you should see a small red triangle on the face. This is a leak detector device and it moves with even a small amount of water going through the meter. If you are not running any water and it is moving, you have a leak. Most leaks are in the toilet tank. Slow leak and barely noticeable but adds up over a month. Make sure the water level in the tank is at least 1/2" below the overflow tube. put a few drops of food coloring into the tank and wait. If the water in the bowl changes color, your flapper is leaking.

  4. Hard  to do, They will charge you whether you use it or not...You can record the readings on you water meter and compare it to their reading...They still charge what they want.

  5. Remove the lid to expose the water meter. The meter has a cover over the face.  Shut off everything (water wise) in the house and outside faucets, then check your meter.  There is a small circular indicator below the numbers.  If it is not moving, there is no leaking. If it is moving, even slowly, there is a leak occurring. Items to check: all faucets for dripping; toilet tank shuting off properly, wet spots on the ground (under ground pipes leaking). If, when you remove the lid to the water meter and it is filled with dirt (you have to dig to find the meter), the meter reader is not reading it, but estimating water usage.  One last thing: Have the meter checked as they can go bad and give false readings.

  6. mesure your pee

  7. Check your water meter yourself.Make sure everything is turned off then see if the little red triangle is moving If it is with everything off then you have a leak.Is it possiable your neighbor is "borrowing" some

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