
How do I train for sprints with no track and live near hills?

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Is there some exercises that i can do in small spaces as well that would improve my sprints? Also, is it possible that I could be really good at endurance and sprints?




  1. sprint up the hills! you can do some pretty intense stuff on those hills

  2. I run 50m sprints and running up hills is a great way to decrease your time.Just dont do it to much or your legs will bulk up. Also it is possible to be good at endurance and sprinting but I would'nt reccomend it unless you plan to do 200's or something like that.

  3. Look for some stairs outside or in your home and run up and down like 10 to 15 minutes or how many minutes u want! I tried it and I really felt the burn in my legs the  next day. So that will definetly work and it also help the arms too

  4. Good exercises you can do include negative one leg squats.  Stand on a chair and lower yourself to floor on one leg. Also do negative glute hams. Kneel down on floor with feet under a couch and lower upper body to floor. Start slow as these can make you very sore but strength increases are excellent. Also try altitude drops where you jump off a chair and stick the landing so you have no bend in ankle and knee at ground contact. Add weight to these lifts as u get stronger.

  5. ooh u are luckyy u have hills to work with. awesome, hills are hard!! try sprinting up them hills to the top, jog down or walk down and keep doing it for a few miles.

  6. Running up hills are perfect for endurance and building strength in your quad and hamstring.  Also you could do suicides.  I used to do those for varsity soccer and they put me in great shape for the games.

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