
How do I train my kitties not to claw up the carpet?

by  |  earlier

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i should have started this last year when i first got them, but...i didnt.

is it too late, or what?

i dont mind the furniture that much, but the carpet is really getting messed up, and I dont own this place. nor will i own our next place.

it has to be a non punishment method please (and only)





  1. Give them a scratching post or their own carpet mat that they are allowed to claw. When they are doing it to the carpet simply pick them up and sit them on their mat or in front of their scratching post, continue to do this every time until they hopefully get the message and will then only claw the designated spot. Good luck

  2. There's three options you can try.

    1. Try a scratch post - it's best to do this when they are kittens but some cats will still take to it. You can make one with some old carpet, a block of wood and some glue/adhesive. When you have the post, and you see them scratching pick them up and put them on the post.

    2. Use a spray bottle - You could keep a spay bottle handy and give them a squirt of water when they start scratching. You want to avoid using your hands to threaten them or newspapers because the cat will start to see your hand as punishment, and they'll become timid when you try to pet them.

    3. Get them Declawed - It's EXTREMELY painful to the cat, and if you let them outside often it renders them defenseless. But it's permanent, the cat will never claw furniture again. But it is serious surgery. Personally I would try to avoid it if at all possible.  

  3. when you saw it scratching just give it eat. because it's gonna go to the food more than scratching  

  4. You might try laying an offcut of carpet or a mat down where they claw. They usually use the same place once they've started.

  5. Don't worry it's not too late to train them.

    First thing to be aware of is that cat's have scent glands on their paws.  So when they scratch somewhere it leaves a scent that attracts them to scratch in the same place each time.  This is also the reason why it's worth persevering with training them to scratch in the right place.  You need to temporarily cover the carpet and anything else that you want to protect, with PVC sheeting.  Not only will this conceal their claw scent, but cats dislike scratching on slippery surfaces.  Part of the desire to scratch is to mark territory, both visually and with scent, so each cat should have at least one scratch item of their own.  They also have preferences for what textures they enjoy scratching so it's important to offer your cats a few alternatives; a sisal post, sheets of corrugated cardboard, a wooden log or even the underside of a heavy duty doormat.  (Don't offer a carpet covered scratch post because they won't be able to distinguish it from normal carpet in the home.)  Place the scratch post/item next to the places they normally scratch and trail string or toys over the post so that they have to grab for it with their claws.  When they use the post, give them lots of praise and food rewards as encouragement.  Cats are pretty smart and are much more inclined to adopt behaviours that benefit them in some way.  If they still try to scratch areas they're not supposed to, tell them "no" in a firm voice and take them over to their scratch post.  

    Generally cats won't scratch areas that they chin rub and Feliway mimics the scent in their facial glands.  Spraying areas you want to protect, once a day for 21 days with Feliway can discourage unwanted scratching.

    These links have advice on scratching and how to prevent it, which may be helpful to you.

    Be patient with them as some cats take longer to learn than others.  

  6. i have always had at least one cat in my home ever since i was little and we have tried a lot to stop them from clawing the carpet, but nothing seems to work.  declaw them i guess. but i would never declaw a cat

  7. Squirt bottle doesn't work anyway. My cats knew I was spraying them and would wait until I was gone to do things.

    I got a couple cat trees, scratching posts. Those seem to help. As yous are going for capet, you can get a scratching rug (just a square piece of carpet.) I sprinkle catnip and treats on mine to get their attention.

  8. It will be a lot harder to break the habit, than stopping it from starting. There are a few things you can try.

    Make sure you have a good cat scratcher and reward and praise the cat when it uses it.

    There is a homemade carpet cleaner that stops a cat from sleeping on the carpet, may deter them as well. Add a couple drops of lavender and grapefruit essential oil to bi carb soda, shake in a jar or bag and leave overnight. Pour over your carpet. After an hour or more vacum it up. This will leave your carpet lightly perfumed and keep the cats off for a while.

    If you only have a little bit of carpet you can cover it in aluminium foil (most cats hate it and will not go near it, although mine will play with it, they are freaks). Some people put citrus rinds on this as well.

  9. You could try buying a scratch post and seeing if they take to it...But my experience is that they don't...At least not if they're really used to using the carpet and furniture! My old male cat did that from the time he was a baby. It didn't become a problem until we got brand new furniture and a bought a brand new house! Then we decided to declaw him, because nothing would stop him from doing it. Not the spray bottle, nor yelling.

    You seem to have issues with disciplining your cats, so declawing would be your only suitable option. Those sprays don't usually work, but you could try it out!

    Declawing isn't so bad. Yes, it is heartbreaking right after the surgery's been completed, because they're so doped up and sore...But they heal eventually. And unless you let them outside (where they need their claws for protection) declawing can save you alot of damage.

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