
How do I train to run 3 miles in 21 minutes?

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last time i ran 1 mile in 10 min. i know that's bad. i am also a bit overweight and trying to lose weight as well.

how do i train to work my way up to 3 miles straight in 21 minutes? can someone give me a routine or advice




  1. You're trying to run for the military test, aren't you? lol

    Don't try to lose the weight.  Eat the same as you always do, but run more and more each week.  Do one mile at a time until you can make around 6 minutes.  Then, move up to 6 laps, then 8, etc.

    Good time would be mile 1=6:30 mile 2=7:00 mile 3=7:30

  2. you got to work up to it. It will takes months and months so get dedicated

  3. well, a good routine is to run the first mile in 7 mins, the second mile in 7 mins, and the thirs mile, you guessed it, in 7 mins

  4. You might want to check out

    There's a feature which can generate you a personalised training plan.  It's got plenty of other information about things like nutrition, etc.

    Good luck x

  5. you need a training plan

    here's mine:

    wed: 40 min slow jog

    fri: 25 min fast jog or 10x1min fast, inbetween 2 min slow

    sun: 50-60 min slow jog

    on the other days I go on walks, bike rides or do very slow 10-15 min jogs

  6. I'm also trying to lose some weight; usually the goal should be no more than 10% of your body weight.  I started with regular walking every day and moved up to jogging after a few weeks.  Now I jog 2-3 miles every day before work and I feel great the whole day.  It also affects how I look at everyhthing I eat throughout the day.  Less junk food, more water and liquids, more healthy snacks.  Consistency is the key, and the pounds will continue to drop off.  Don't try to increase your speeds or distances by more than 10% per week either.

  7. How overwieght are you? If you have a BMI well over 25 your top priority must be to reduce it, but take your time over this. Long walks are the best way. Aim to build up slowly and regularly to 10 miles  about twice a week. In between days do gym training with long sessions on the bike and rower eg 15 mins on each x two. If you can swim do a weekly long one - building up slowly to 100 x 25 metres lengths.

    Then running. A seven minute mile is 105 secs per 400m lap so do two sessions a week running 400-800m at less than 100 secs per lap with half distance recovery jogs. Repeat as many as you can. This mixed training programme will build all-round strength and endurance and protect you against injury and boredom. Start gently, build up slowly, don't lose heart and get your weight down steadily. Good luck !

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