
How do I transfer address book names and addresses when I change internet carriers?

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How do I transfer address book names and addresses when I change internet carriers?




  1. ask new I.S.P. how to transfer. if you used web mail like Yahoo,G-mail,Hotmail,ect. you'd never have this worry

  2. If you're using an online interface (this means that you need a web browser such as Internet Explorer to connect), then try to look for an EXPORT CONTACTS option in their interface.

    If you a desktop application like Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird or Eudora Mail, then you don't really need to transfer anything since you'll be using the same computer.  You just need to make sure that you email all of your contacts your new email address (if it changed).

  3. The easiest would be if your using outlook but assuming from your question your not then I would e-mail all your friends and CC your new e-mail address letting them know of your new address.

    Unless of course you just print them off and reenter them.

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