
How do I transfer music from a Mac laptop to a PC laptop?

by  |  earlier

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My brother has a lot of music on his laptop, which is a Mac, that I really want. But I cant seem to figure out how to get it onto my laptop. We are both on the same internet connection, Hes plugged into the wireless modem itself and I'm connected wireless. I can connect to his music library through itunes where it shows other people's library's. He said if I can figure this out without having to buy anything like DVDs I can have it. Anyone wanna help?




  1. Since the Macintosh is the compatible computer and Windows is the incompatible computer, go to System Preferences for the Macintosh and turn on Windows Files Sharing.  Now, the Mac is ready.

    Now, turn on file sharing.  After Windows reboots (why?!?), you will be able to use file sharing to copy the files.  Wireless will be slow for copying if you have a boat load of files, however.

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