
How do I transfer my VHS tapes to DVD?

by Guest66976  |  earlier

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I have a bunch of movies on VHS and because of their security track...I can't copy them onto DVD. I'm only doing this for my own use. DVDs take up less room, are easier to move and, of course, the technology is more readily available than VCR. Note...I'm not the most technically inclined person, but I can learn pretty well.




  1. You pretty much stock with those VHS tapes, you cannot get pass thoses security track.

  2. You can buy TV tunner cards from placers like and install them in your computer.  You then hook up your VCR to your computer and capture the video then you can transfer them to DVD.  I don't know if there is any easier way to do this, maybe look at some home DVD writers with VHS combos?

  3. Go to an electronics store, and ask the sales associate. He'll give you a DVD/VHS player. With that, you can watch your VHS, or record it onto a DVD.

  4. I would like to know this also.

  5. you need something that takes off macrovision if you're trying to copy them to a stand alone DVD burner.

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