
How do I transfer photos from my Flickr account to my 360 page?

by  |  earlier

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I've created a Flickr account and uploaded photos, and I'd like to show them on my Yahoo! 360 page, but I can't seem to find a way to do it...

Is there a way?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Once you set your photos up in Flickr, set them to public or share and add to Yahoo

    On your Yahoo 360 on ''my page''

    Click on the ''edit personal photo''

    There you can upload your personal photos

    You can also have a photostream

    But these things are not working to great in Yahoo.

    Yahoo is getting things ready to open a new social network and in the transition, this is causing so major bugs.And thing are just not working as they should

    Plus Yahoo is not fixing the bugs because of the transition

    So you may not see your photos appear right away, the system is running slow and the photos take a day or three to show, in some cases not at all.

    But you can try to set it up and wait to see if they will show

    Flickr photo help

  2. I hate to tell you this, but it will likely not work. That feature has been broken since the summer. If you somehow wait the days, weeks, or months for the photostream to show up on your 360 space, it will not update after that.

    Please see this past answer for details and for other ways to use your Flickr images on your 360 space:;...

  3. Hi Bobby;

    yes start on your my page in 360 then click on start sharing photos ( upper right corner),, then when the window opens up you will see where it says do you have a flicker account, You will then click on where it says start sharing in a photo stream, Should be explanatory from there but remind you that 360 is getting very bad and they are not fixing problems anymore so this is all subject to the big IF IT WORKS thing,, Also check this link to see what others are saying and also at the bottom there are several questions exactly like yours,;...

    Hope it helped,,


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