
How do I treat a boil that i have already popped?

by  |  earlier

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Late saterday i started to form a huge zit and now its the size of a bottle cap. so around monday night i heated a nettle at stabed it about 6 difrent times. it kind of got worse:-( is there any way (other then going to the docters) to treat it???




  1. You already made a mistake in popping it. It will most likely leave a scar the size of the boil. Use neosporin on it so it will heal faster and won't scar as much.

  2. Magnesium sulphate paste from the chemist.

    Stir well and apply on a piece of clean rag or gauze pad.

    Tape it on overnight and reapply every night after washing well with really hot water.

    This will draw it out and carry on doing it till the last little bit of pus has come out otherwise it will only fill up again..

  3. Go to the pharmacy and get some boil ease.  This is a drawing salve, it is black and disgusting looking but it works beautifully.  Wash the area good.  Place the salve on the boil and cover with a bandage or bandaid depending on the size.  Leave it on for a day or so, remove the bandage.  Wash the area well and keep it clean.  If the boil is still there repeat the procedure with the drawing salve. With a few days everything should be ok.  If not then you have no choice you have to go to the doctor to get some antibiotics to kill the infection.

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