
How do I treat a cut between my pinky and fourth finger?

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Whilst washing the dishes I cut myself on a broken glass between my fourth and last finger. The cut is quite deep but the bleeding is subsiding now. I have put on some Savalon cream (antibacterial) but I don't know what I should do now - whether to dress it or leave it. The problem is that everytime I move my fingers it opens the wound up again.




  1. I suggest you get some of that new skin and apply that and then dress the wound and tape those two fingers together to allow time for it to start healing. Otherwise it is just going to continue to break open and not heal properly and possibly get another infection.  

  2. If it's really deep then you should probably see someone about getting a stitch or two.

    Otherwise, there's a product called NewSkin that essentially functions as a flexible glue for cuts and scrapes that aren't easy to bandage.  You could try using that (it comes in a small bottle with a brush for application).  I'll warn you that it does contain alcohol, and will sting like heck on a good-sized cut.

    Personally, I'd probably try taping those two fingers together for a day or two so that the area doesn't flex too much and it doesn't keep reopening.  If that won't handicap you too much, you might want to try that.

  3. Put some gauze over the wound between the two fingers.  Then tape the two fingers together.  Change the dressing everyday.  If you're still having trouble with it after a week, I'd recommend seeing a General Practitioner.

  4. You could clean it with warm salty water and apply plenty of vaseline regularly I find wounds healing in less than three days thanks to vaseline.

    Dressing will make the would retain warmth and thus take longer to heal so leave it undressed. Alternatively see a doctor.

  5. hey, i got a cut yesterday in the same exact place. after the bleeding stopped, i put a bandaid on it mostly as a reminder to keep it still and not bruise it and start the bleeding again

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