
How do I try and stop my 2 & a half year old swearing?

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I have a little boy who is 2 & a half and swears quite often which is so embarassing, Everyone says its just a stage but its been about 3 months now. It doesn't seem like he's doing it for attention cause he uses it in the proper context. He heard a swear word and he has not forgot about it, If he drops something or falls it seems to slip out. He knows its wrong as he always apologises as soon as he's said it. I've tried disciplining him in so many ways but he's still doing it.




  1. put him up for adoption

  2. Our 21 month old has started also, I didn't realise she'd pick it up because I rarely do swear but on the odd occasion I use one word "sh*t" when things aren't going so well. Now if she drops something she goes "oh sh*t".

    The other day we were at the in-laws when there friends were visiting, they are very posh & don't like swearing, anyway our daughter wanted to feed a carrot to their dog & my mum in law said they were taken out intot he garage so she'd have to go out back and get them, my girl stomped off and muttered "oh sh*t". They were very shocked lol

    Were not rough people but I admit its quite amusing, although if it became a regular thing it wouldn't be so funny. We try to ignore it and avoid swearing as much as possible, its when we tell her the word is bad that she tends to use it more, when we pretend she hasn't said it the novelty wears off.

    Don't feel too bad, all kids will swear at some point its almost impossible to avoid unless you lock them up and block out there ears.

  3. My son is three and he has picked up cursing.  We have stopped cursing around him, and we let him know that cursing is bad.  We also monitor what he watches on tv some of these cartoons nowadays have just as much cursing in them.  

  4. Lead by example. You stop swearing, first.

  5. Stop swearing yourself who ever he sees because babies/toddlers always copy what adults say b cuz he thinks there OK to use.

  6. He doesn't know the full effect of swearing, so you could correct him nicely.  For instance, if he drops something, you could tell him to say "oops, I dropped it." or something like that.

  7. If you've tried disciplining him and it hasn't worked just ignore it, I mean don't even bat an eyelid, my cousins little one was about three and started saying the f word in context if she dropped a toy etc. She was old enough to know it was bad so they just totally ignored it pretended they didn't even hear her and she stopped saying it after a few weeks.

  8. This was very effective with my daughter when she swore in front of me

      I took her into the bathroom and stuck a soapy face cloth in her mouth, she never swore in front of me or her mother again

  9. My guess is that he has heard it more than once.  Children copy language and behaviour

  10. you stop swearing first. how come my son doesn't swear but yours? cuz i dont swear or watch inappropriate programs in front of him

  11. scare him with stories of people who swear and what happens to them

  12. Spank him or put him on time out when he says it and explain that he can't ever say the word..

  13. Its learned behavior, just be very careful to whom they are around. If its not you cussing it could be a grandparent, a friend. It something you need to discuss with everyone who interacts with them regularly and explain the behavior they have learned, that you can't have anyone cussing around them and to IGNORE the cussing (no laughing what so ever). Then as a parent take him aside and explain calmly that those are bad words and its not ok.

  14. Just ignore him, the more you emphasize that its a problem the more he will do it. I swear sometimes, most normal people do, but my kids knew they weren't allowed.

    Don' t make him say sorry that is just making it worse, 2 year olds shouldn't be apologising for exploring the world, he is just copying what he hears he has no concept of the words, just their effect on you.  

    Be firm and consistent, tell him its a word that only mommies and daddies can say and he mustn't say it. Thats enough info for a 2 year old to cope with.

    If he continues to say it it when you tell him not to then withdraw the TV, a favourite toy or some other treat so he knows the consequences of behaviour you don't tolerate. This is any behaviour you don't want not just this copying of swear words.

  15. try to ignore it, he prob just likes getting a reaction.

  16. Please tell me you have made a concerted effort to stop swearing in front of your child. I hope thats not the case.  Where is he exposed to swearing?  Stop the exposure at all costs, it really does your child a disservice as everyone looks at them and thinks he comes from a bad family.  

  17. Unfortunately in this day and age swearing is very common place and no matter how hard you try, your child will hear swear words.

    The approach I took, rather than punishment, was to explain that those were 'adult words' that only adults use and that they are not nice words to say. Thankfully my daughter understands that & now never swears (even though her mother and her new boyfriend swear like troopers).

  18. You could try changing the word slightly, so if he says the F word, don't get angry just say duck, clever boy, thats right duck.

    Have a list of alternative words to use for each swear word. This has worked for my friends so good luck!

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