
How do I try to get pregnant w/o trying?! please help!?

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So we are trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage in very early June. I am in my first cycle since. It started July 13th-17. I freaked out when ovulation was later and now I am freaking out b/c I am in cycle day 36 and no period and negative pregnancy tests. The thing that bugs me is I KNOW I ovulated so something has to happen. I know that if I didn't get pregnant this month it was over stress from not knowing my new cycle (I bled longer ovulation was later and have yet to have a period) But I know that stress couldn't keep this part of my period away b/c I already ovulated. If by cycle day 40 ( the 22nd) my period doesn't show then I am by all means getting in with my gyn.

Lets fast forward a bit- What are some things I should cut out to not freak over getting pregnant? Like I mean should I not take opks? should I just start having s*x every other day after the bleeding stops? or what I mean I do not want to know whats going on (like when I ovulate or what not) b/c I will over think it.

What are some of the things you all would suggest?




  1. Your best bet is to chart.  If you chart like it instructs in "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"  You will KNOW exactly what is going on.  For instance.....if you were charting you would know if you were pregnant or not by 18 DPO.  If you have 18 high temperatures you are either pregnant or sick...well, you know if you are sick, so you should be able to figure between the two.  I tried the whole mind off it thing for a while (after 3 years of not getting pregnant).  And it took me another 5 years to get pregnant.   So, the law of odds says EVENTUALLY you will get pregnant, but if you want it to happen, you have to make it happen!

  2. It's realy hard to answer it depends so much on the both of you. I would recommend taking a bit of time to mourn your lost baby before trying again, but having experienced it myself I know how much more desperate it makes you to try again. If it were me knowing what I know now I would stop all the "trying" as such and just try to enjoy each other for a while and it will probably happen on it's own. However that's easier said than done. Perhaps try and find something else to concentrate on for a while. I tried for 3 years and finally gave up. Thought I couldn't have kids as did the drs. I poured myself into my horses and three months later bang I was pregnant. Good luck and really just try your best to relax and not make it the centre focus of your life.  

  3. this sorta happened to me. we took a test three actually and they said positive then we took another and it said negitive. we decided to stop trying we started having s*x every other day starting the 11th day after the first day of your period. like if you have your period tommorrow count 11 days from tommorrow and have s*x EVERY OTHER DAY

    i found out i was pregnant yesterday. i have the book what to expect when your expecting book. i got it when we found out i was pregnant the first day.

    honey i am so sorry. it was so hard for us to give up after we fell in love with the idea of having our baby so we didnt but we didnt consider it trying to have a baby.

    just relax first of all. when you start feeling the symptoms, because i did starting with my b*****s. they hurt and was sensitive. then all of a sudden we got that magical test.

    we also waited till the day of my missed period and took the test out of just wondering if that is why i didnt have my period.  

  4. Well, this is how my month is going so far.  Went away with dd for 5 days without hubby.  Returned home the day before I figured I was to ovulate.  I had 2 opk strips left and decided to test when I got home around noon on Friday.... WOW positive.....BD that night, tested again Sat, hmmmm positive AGAIN..... BD again that night.  I never get a positive for more than one day so I'm hoping that's a sign.  I also had a show of EWCM Fri morning, which I haven't seen in AGES, so hoping that's another good sign.  Well I'll be going away again and will be in VERY mixed company, one bathroom and limited access to any buying of HPT's and not taking any with me.  Also, AF is expected WHILE AWAY, so I'm hoping that this combination of relaxation, infrequent but QUALITY BD time, inaccessability to hpt's, and a TON of beach time with my 3 yo will not only help me forget where I'm at in my 2ww, but result in a absent AF and a BFP when I get home.  Oh and I also have a birthday for my dd to prepare for this coming Tues and we're trying to get the house ready to sell so I have SO much stuff to keep my thoughts occupied this month and it has made me SO relaxed it's great!  You just need to find something to keep you seriously busy!

  5. Take ovulation tests and have s*x every other day, Good luck and sorry for your loss.  

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