
How do I tune my acoustic guitar (I have absolutely no experience with guitars at all)?

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I would love to learn. I don't have money for music lessons but I do know there's a lot of people out there who are self-taught. If you know how or know a site your gonna have to tell me step by step because I've never tuned a guitar in my life.

-I really appreciate the answers- Thanks.




  1. That confuzzeled me too.

    1. Well try to get some money for a nice electric tuner and ask how to use it.

    If you are really broke...

    2. Ask someone to tune it for you at your local guitar/music shop!

  2. Hey if you cant afford an electric tuner use this. Try to match as best as you can with your guitar.

    good luck

  3. alright. u need a tuner. they do wonders. but if u can do it by ear, use this

    the fattest string is the 6th string. you can see the k**b it leads to. you turn it to either side until the sound it produces is the same as the sound from this website.

    the thinnest one is the 1st string. it should be the highest in pitch

    if you went to a guitar store and bought a tuner it would listen to your guitar and light up and tell you exactly how to turn it and when to stop.

    ive been playing for 5 years and im also self taught. its done wonders. really a tuner is worth it. they are like 10 bucks. get a digital one though.

    good luck and dont give up!!

    jess <33

  4. Go to youtube and type tuning guitar it should give you alot of good beginners tips on how to tune your guitar and much more if you want.


    this website was basically made to help ppl  tune guitars that are just starting, I guess...

  6. Ok, so the other answers confused me, haha. But this (I believe) is the easiest way to tune your guitar, esp. if you do not have a tuner or piano. OK:

    1) Hit the low E string, while your finger is on the fifth fret. that will give you the second string note. Tune that

    2) do the same thing for the second and third string, using the fifth fret.

    3) Now with the forth string, do the same thing, but use the forth fret, this will tune your fifth string

    4) once your 5th string is tuned, use it to tune the high e string by using the same technique for the first 4 strings, pick the fifth string while your finger is on the fifth fret, that note will be the same note as the high e string, just tune carefully until you dont hear the "waves" in the harmonics.

    this is just a quick way to start playing with a tuned guitar, until you can get a tuner. Have fun

  7. you should get a tuner to help you out the strings should be eadgbe tuning

  8. There are internet tuners out there, but your best bet is buying an actual tuner from a music store. Ask one of the employees for help.

  9. A tuner is probably the fastest and easiest way to tune a guitar but uf you dont have the money....

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