
How do I turn my van into a hydrogen powered vehicle as a DIY project?

by Guest32629  |  earlier

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We are spending over 1200.00 a month in gas. We heard about someone who converted their car into hydrogen powered and they doubled their gas mileage. Is this a joke or is there really a way to do this cheaply ourselves?




  1. Not a joke, a scam.

  2. Brown's gas has been debunked so thoroughly that I'm amazed that anyone still believes in it. Any electrolysis process requires more energy than the resulting hydrogen and oxygen will give you, it's just that simple.

    Using hydrogen to fuel your van is very inefficient, in it's gaseous state it's highly combustible and very  bulky, it's very costly to turn it into a liquid and it requires temp below -400 F. You won't want that storage tank to crack and flash-freeze you and your passengers.

    You'd be better off to buy some deep cycle marine batteries and find a means to use them to power your van. Someone does that now, converting high-end sports cars to run on batteries, but he charges over $25,000 to do it. In a year or two the next generation of lithium-ion batteries that use nano-materials will be available and this will be much more efficient, but it may not be cheaper for some time.

  3. $24/gal for Hydrogen -- and go  half as far

    Most of it in made from methane.

  4. wanna make that happen?

    u should try

  5. no its not a joke and yes you could really do it. i have never worked with cars and i made an hho generator and installed it in my 2004 chevy truck and got 38% gains. but i have also converted my VW Jetta TDI to run on vegi oil and that is totally free, besides the $2.00 filter i buy once a month. you should look into that also. Running a diesel on vegi

  6. They sell plans online for 100 - 300$. You should try it and tell us if it works.  I would suggest a mechanic do the work.  Problem with hho gas is it takes at least an equal amount of electricity going in,- with what you get in H coming out.  Which would leave you with an electric vehicle.  The laws of physics have not yet been broken, as far as i know.

    Please if you deciede to try this conversion, video tape your work step / by step, you can help save the planet - or at least help save the rest of us a few bucks if it doessn't work.

    Look into other fuels as well, bio diesel etc, some may or may not be better for the envirorment depending on how its produced, - i've heard sugar cane makes a nice fuel and we could save the poor of the world by farming sugar cane.

    Walk, ride a bike, moped, scooter, public tans portation, plan your route, car pool, work closer to home.  at almost 4.50 a gal - "were mad as h**l and not going to take it!"

  7. There is a system called browns gas, and there are all sorts of diagrams and different Ideas around the net but I found if you search HHO gas you can find some good ones

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