
How do I turn off my outlets with a switch. I have read that electronics drain energy when not in use.?

by Guest10846  |  earlier

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I want to wire 3 outlets to a switch so when I leave the room I can turn those outlets off which are running my tv, dvd, and satellite receiver, etc. What is the name of this device and where can I purchase one?




  1. If you can use a s***w driver you can do this.  Wire the 3 out-lets threw the switch.  You could even have one side of the out-let powered and one side on a switch, just break the tab between them.  This was common practice in the 50's, top plug for the lights, switched, bottom plug for every thing else.  Look at Lowes and Homedepot for classes, go to the library, look on line, one has many sources to get the info for this easy repair.

  2. Rather than using 3 outlets buy a surge protecting power strip for one outlet.   This has the added benefit of protecting the equipment when it is on as well as letting you flip one switch on the power strip that will turn off each of these devices.  The one I have even has a connector for the coax cable coming in to insure that even that doesn't transmit voltage differences.

    This will require you to turn off the devices separately from turning off the lights at the switch but will be cheaper (and safer) than trying to rewire your house.

  3. Home depot.

    Its called a switch. May be light switch or wall switch.

    A easy installation may be a power bar (or power strip) but you'd have to go by the devices and hit the switch.

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