
How do I turn off these annoying Yahoo shortcuts?

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Welllll - how about if I say Yahoo Shortcuts, or "Y! Shortcuts" with a capital "S"? That is what Yahoo calls them. Any news story in yahoo has them. They are signified by a dotted line under a "keyword" and every time you roll over them a popup appears with the title "Y! Shortcut" - any better?




  1. What annoying Yahoo! shortcuts would those be? It's really difficult to answer such a vague question. If you could supply more information, I could probably give you a helpful answer.



    Updated 12/22/07

    Your additional information was very helpful. I now understand the problem. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way for users to turn them off. When one pops up, click on the "?" in the upper right corner of the popup. You'll get text that looks like this:


    About Yahoo! Shortcuts

    The Yahoo! Shortcuts feature automatically finds and underlines helpful items in the article you are currently reading. When you see a Shortcut, point and click to perform an action: search for latest news, perform a web search, view a map or travel guide for a particular destination, and more — without leaving your current page.

    What Gets Underlined

    People, places, organizations, and other things of interest are underlined. Yahoo! Shortcuts provides options relevant to the underlined item, including news content, web search results, maps, and travel guides. Even more types of options will be available soon.

    Send Feedback

    Comments? Suggestions? Help us improve Yahoo! Shortcuts by sending us your feedback.


    I'd suggest that you use that feedback link at the bottom to let Yahoo! know how you feel about them. I'll be doing the same. In the meantime, do like I do and try not to roll over the darned things. Its kind of like tip-toeing through a minefield.

    Good luck.


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