
How do I unstick keyboard keys?

by  |  earlier

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I icecream on my keyboard and now my t, y, u, g, and h keys are being stubborn and unpushy. Anyone know how to make it...not do that? Thanks SOO much for all the help!




  1. try a q tip and water?

    thats what i would do

  2. on the bottom right of your screen their will be an icon of the keyboard sticky keys go into that and the rest is self exlanatory

  3. Get yourself a can of that compressed air stuff for electronics...youll find it at a computer store or in the computer section somewheres, anyways, i learned in a computer repair class in college that you just tip the can upside down and squirt the stuff into the keyboard, some liquid should come out, its ok, its liquid oxygen, anyways, it will freeze the sticky stuff, and help get it out of there, its only like 3 bucks a can.  good luck

  4. Get a new one. I spelled juice  on my last keyboard, Keys stuck for a while. Then they  would not function properly. They are not that expensive. Depending on what store you want, Do not go to a dept. store to get one, They look cheaply made, I have a Dynex one. It's from Best Buys. Make sure you get one w/ an adapter. Not all plugs are the same on all keyboards.

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