
How do I unstiffen my laundry after it comes off the line?

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I stopped using the drying to save energy and money, so I use a clothes line to dry my laundry. The problem is that they're all stiff and uncomfortable! How can I make them soft?




  1. In your rinse cycle put in one half cup white vinegar, it will not smell and it will softening your clothes, also try using less soap or rinse twice.

  2. I put them in the dryer for a few minutes if I want to soften them or take out a few wrinkles, though I find that when I wear them they soften anyway.

  3. If you still have a dryer use it for a few minutes with a damp rag in the load of towels, nice and fluffy but less of a carbon foot print than drying the load from wet.

  4. Listen here, you insulting, ungrateful person.

    these people all gave you good answers,

    so live with your stiff clothes and take something for your PMS.

  5. Although ironing the laundry would probably do the trick, you might try this first, especially on towels, jeans, (durable type items):  

    Try putting the stiff items LOOSELY in a large plastic trash bag and giving it a good shaking or throwing around the room or whatever.  This would definitely help with towels and jeans.  It may even help keep some clothing from needing to be ironed.  But I wouldn't thrash the bag around to roughly if there are delicate fabrics that could snag on zippers, buttons, etc.

    Hope this helps!

  6. i have the same problem that you do. what i do is after the clothes dry on the line i will throw them and a downy sheet,  in the dryer for 10 to 15 minutes and it usually takes out the stiffness

  7. I too hang laundry out to save money and it really does help the electric bill considerably.  Actually I've done it for years.  It has been my experience that some degree of stiffness just comes with the territory.  I use a liquid fabric softner which does make a difference but I've also come to learn that the amount of softness also has a lot to do with the wind.  The more brisk the wind the softer the clothes.  You will learn with time, the right combinations that work for you.

  8. Liquid fabric softener before you hang them out. If you run out, I have used some hair conditioner instead. Or if you have some fabric softener sheets, just tumble them for a few minutes after the line..sometimes hanging them on hangers in the bathroom to dry has helped me. I know what you mean about the energy bills!! Good luck..

    Remove your question than. We are all just trying to help.

  9. I used to line dry all my clothes. I still hang most of my clothes inside to dry them. Here are some of the things that help to soften them. Take them down when they are still slightly damp. Shake them before you fold them. Ironing will also heat the fibers and soften the clothes. Yes, I said ironing. Something so many people don't do anymore.

    Fabric softener won't help when you line dry clothes. And it is leaves a chemical on your clothes.

  10. use fabric softener when washing your laundry that will make them soft.

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