
How do I unsubscribe to news groups?

by  |  earlier

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I signed up for one that is WAY tyoo active and my inbox is filled up.




  1. 1. Try to unsubscribe through:

    2. If this doesn't work out, send an e-mail to the group owner telling him/her to stop mailing you. (

    If these still didn't work for you try the following options:

    3. Block the address(es) or arrange your preferences so that they are sent to your bulk/spam folder.

    4. Contact yahoo customer care:

  2. 1,click open the email that group send to you

    2, click the link to the group.

    3, click the link " unsubscribe"( lower right)

    ,according to my memory, you can have a try

  3. you can try to edit your mail options and go to digest or no mail- if you can log onto the group, unsubbing from there is an instant result where as via mail is having great delay issues right now. if you can log onto the group- click edit membership top middle of page- you can edit your mail settings here, or scroll to very bottom right and click Leave Group- next page confirm by clicking Leave-

    good luck!

  4. I'm not sure if NEWS group is the right phrase - do you mean Yahoo! group?

    The news groups are either RSS or in Beta on the News page; a different tab then the email section.  

    - Neither show up in your inbox?

    To unsubscribe from a Yahoo! Group:

    1) Open up an email from the group and click on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom.

    Or . . .

    2) Sign in to Yahoo! Groups and go to your group on the web.

    - From any page on the group, click the Edit Membership link at the top of the page.

    - Click the Leave Group link at the bottom right of the page.

    - Confirm on the next page.

    The group will no longer be listed on the My Groups page, and you’ll no longer receive messages.

    Or . . .

    3) To leave/unsubscribe via email:

    - From your email program, send a blank message to:

    Make sure to replace "groupname" with the actual name of the group


    Or . . .

    4) Go to

    - click on 'View All' link (at the bottom)

    - click on the 'Edit My Groups' tab

    - Under the 'Group Name' you can change the following:

    a) Yahoo! Profile  

    b) Email Address  

    c) Message Delivery  <- Consider this option!

    d) Leave Group  

    Alternatively, you may wish to remain a member but reduce or eliminate group email by changing your message delivery option to No Mail/Web only, Daily Digest, or Special Announcement. From the "Edit Membership" Page, you can also change your email frequency settings to one of these options.

    For more details on message delivery options:


    If you are using Beta to modify your News tab:

    How do I choose and order my news and weather content?

    When signed in, you can choose to display your favorite sections on the News front page:

    1) Click "Add/Remove News Categories."

    2) On the Choose Content page, check (or un-check) the boxes to display the news how you want it.

    3) Within each news section, choose to view by summary or headline format.

    4) Click "Finished" when you're done.

    You can also choose the order of how news appears on your front page:

    1) Click "Change Layout."

    2) Move the sections you want up or down.

    3) Click "Finished" when you're done.

    To select the weather you want to view on the front page of Yahoo! News:

    1) Click "Weather."

    2) Select the location you want from the list.

    - If a city you want isn't listed, click "Edit" next to "My Weather Cities."

    - On the Edit Weather page, click "Add New Cities."

    - Find the city you want by entering its ZIP code or navigating by region and country.

    - Click "Add" when you find your city.

    - Click "Finished" on the Local Weather by City page.

    - Click "Finished" in Weather on the Front Page section.

    Remember, you can also see RSS news feeds on your News front page. RSS feeds you've selected in My Yahoo! will appear automatically in the tabs with the appropriate news section.

    Finally, you can get different views of the news on each index page, such as the Politics, World News, or Business pages. Underneath the large news module at the top of the News page, you'll see a link with two different view options: Headlines Only or Headlines & Summaries. Simply select either option to see the news how you want it.

  5. Simply send a mail to

    groupname= name of group u want to unsubscribe

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