
How do I upload a website?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have an ISP, I use an open wifi network, I have built my site using proper software, now I don't know what to do next.




  1. You need a host and an FTP client.

  2. If you have your own domain and you have purchased online hosting with a company like "GoDaddy". Then, your almost there.

    There are applications called FTP  (File Transfer Protocol). These application are connected to the server that you have purchased online storage from. It's very simple to do. The best application that I can think of is "SmartFTP". It's stable,fast, and free. Anyway, also when you purchase online hosting you will find info about uploading your website from that company.  I would recommend "Godaddy"

    Good luck

  3. You need an ISP and you need to own the domain name.

    I use for mine

    Go to their web site and buy the domain (if you don't already own it), or transfer it to them if you do own it.

    You can then use their own web designer software to build and upload the site, or, if, as you say, you have already created the site, you can use FTP to upload it.  

  4. YOu have to buy a domain and upload it through the company you use e.g.

    they take you through all the steps, it's very easy

  5. You need a web host. Finding one that is right for you can be hard. First you need to decide if you will go free (ad supported) or payed. Then you need to decide you storeage space, file size and throughput needs.

    Free web host work for most people. They have a lot of limits. Everything from file size to daily or monthly throughput limits to content. They all so put a lot of ads on you web page. URL redirection will let you change web host with out you users knowing it.

    If you go with a pay host you get no add. Less limits. More throughput. You should use a domain registrar.

  6. You have to get yourself an account with one of the many isp companys. I would use as they are the cheapest and offer lots of memory and support alot of languages. After you set up an account they will give you passwords for uploading your site. Next get filezilla (its free) which is your FTP client (File Transfer Programme). Its easy to use and after you get it set up you can upload  pages with just a couple of clicks to your ISP.  

  7. and easy to use

  8. You need to find somewhere to host your website.  Once you have done that, log into the server using FTP and upload your files.

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