
How do I upload an image file in something other than .jpg?

by  |  earlier

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I asked a question like this before but was not happy with the responses. My problem is that whenever I save an image to Paint, it appears to lose quality when compared to the original image.

I want to know how to fix this. The only problem I can think of, is that whenever I upload the image, it's always in .jpg. That's what causes the low quality, I THINK.

Is there a better image program (if that's what's causing the low quality)? I know about Gimp, but will the let me upload in .gif?

I'm pretty clueless. =] I just want better quality. How do I do this? Please be overly detailed.





  1. i think paint actually saves in .bmp but .png is generally a high quality for icon mode. Jpeg is for general qualty .gif for animated ones and .tiff for larger images.

    When you save a picture you can do file save as and chose the type of extension it saves in. I personally do like Gimp I think it goes a good job and i don't see why it wouldn't let you upload a .gif

    Here's a site where they ranked the best free photo editors for windows

  2. This depends on the type image you are working with. If the image is primarily type fonts save it as a *.png (line graphics) are best in this format. If there are color graduations then the format to save in, is that with the least image loss. However paint is not a killer work horse like Adobe photoshop which will let you control the compression levels. Just experiment and enlarge the image to see what loss is happening. BTW is this for a printing process that would change the whole way of doing things and you get involved in vector graphics which is another bag of worms. Sad thing is the MAC does all this without having to scratch your head!

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