
How do I upload pictures forom Photo Bucket to my MySpace???

by  |  earlier

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Give me the steps, please. Don't just say just put the code there, because I don't know where to put the code. Thank you!!! [:




  1. I don't know if you mean a photobucket comment or a picture from photobucket as a picture (for your album) on myspace.

    For the first one you can either search photobucket images with the button located below the text box or type in the code.  The search button basically does the code for you.  It will be < img src="   web address.jpeg    "  > minus the spaces between the<s and the quotation marks.  the img stands for img and the src stands for source.  Put the code in the text box.  Photobucket will let p copy it with the <s already there or the location and you put the <s in yourself.

    For the second possible meaning you can simply right click on a image and copy its address (Fire fox with display copy image location) and IE will require you to go to properties and select the wed address. Then open up the uploader and put the image location in the box and upload.  It will upload an image from another place on the Internet.

  2. okay copy the 'Direct Link' code, under the picture.

    now, in the section of myspace, where you want the picture


    <img src="PICTURE URL">

    where it says picture URL paste the code there.

  3. Photobucket has a neat thing! under each of your pics you upload there will be 3 boxes, the last one says

    HTML CODE, you can click that box and the code will automatically be copied to your clipboard! Then you can go to your myspace, edit your profile, and paste that code anywhere you want!

    tada picture :D

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