
How do I upload these pictures onto the internet?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I have a camra but not a USB cord? I printed the pictures I want on the internet off, but I can't upload them on my computer using my scanner. So what can I do? Could I use a scanner at the library and upload them onto the internet, or must I have a USB cord? Also where can I buy one for a Samsung, Digimax 301?




  1. Very simple - get a card reader (from any electronic or camera store, as well as Walmart, etc).

    They are cheap and a better option than hooking up your camera, anyway.

  2. Looking into the specs. of your cam, if u dont have a usb then a SD card would work. Only thing with a SD card you must have a SD card reader on your PC or you can buy a multi card reader which reads SD, Flash sticks, Compact flash,  and smart media. Havening a usb would be nice if that cam had software (am not sure) but a SD card and a reader for muti cards would be best.

    You can think of it as a investment because you will one day need or want a Multi card reader internal or external for your PC.  

  3. get a card reader

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