
How do I use my Feliway Diffuser?

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I just plugged in my feliway diffuser to help out with cat do I know its on? I don't mean how do I know its working. I will know its working when my cats act better :) It is suppose to have some fan on or make noise? How does it release the pheromone?




  1. There's no fan.  I don't technically know how it works but it's definitely diffusing.

    I have heard that it can take a week or more before you'll notice results.

  2. I had one and yeah just plug it in and should be working.  Also it's supposed to take up to 3 weeks to notice a difference in cat.  They also have a spray you can use, I spray it on cat's bed, crate just about anywhere.  And in crate 5 minutes b4 a trip to the vet is supposed to help but my cat's still don't like going.  And I threw out the diffuser b/c it leaked oil all over the carpet and my older cat never chilled out.  It doesn't have a fan and humans can't smell it.  It works like the scents you plug in wall do, gently dispersing throughout room (heat from socket, slits at bottom, voila!).  Hope it's better for you, and if not the spray is pretty good on beds and in my cat's "worry box".  Good luck!

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