
How do I use my Keyboard?

by  |  earlier

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I have no clue how to use a keyboard. I don't even know where to begin!!

Can you please help me?!




  1. ok... how are you typing this?

    you obviously know how to use one.

    and to plug it in, go to the back of your computer

    and there is a purple plug.  push it in the correct way (it only goes in 1 way easily) and push it in all the way or until it stops moving.

    and then... PRESTO. it's done.

    If you are using a laptop, just hope your keyboard is using USB connections.  Other than that, ur hopeless.  

    and COME ON, you OBVIOUSLY have access to a computer unless you are typing this on your iPod/iPhone.

  2. The plug is either a purple plug with little pins or a usb one.

    Plug the purple one into a purple slot on the back of your comp.


    Plug the usb into an available usb slot

    BTW If you don't have access to a computer then how did you type your question?

  3. You know you have a plug in the back conecct there, and do not use this site, so people that realy need some help, can be reach, it is sad that you can help someone, and use your intelegence and knoledge that way.

  4. you have no computer or access to one and you dont know how to use a the **** are you typing then and how the **** are you on the internet?

  5. So !! How did you access this forum and type your question????. Who's taking the "Michael" or the p***?

  6. Begin by plugging it in.

    Then commence pushing buttons on the keyboard.

  7. ok. so a keyboard is a device that allows you to push buttons to make characters appear on whatever you are typing. so first, plug it in. there are 2 common types of keyboard ports in the back of your computer. So look at the back of your computer, and you will probaly see a green port and purple port that are in the shape of a circle. Now your keyboard will probaly plug in to one of these with the supplied cable. However, it could also be a usb keyboard. So plug it in to a usb port, which looks like this.

    then after you plug it in, There are letters on your keyboard. so, if you want to type the word cake, look for the letters C-A-K-E on your keyboard and press on it. Then the letter will appear. Try opening up microsoft word to practice. Open it, and click on the white space and you will see a blinking line. That means that you can type in that space. now that big button at the bottom middle of the keyboard is the spacebar. The spacebar when pressed will create a space between words. Hope this helps. If you dont have a computer, you cant use a keyboard.sorry

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