
How do I use small talk in this situation?

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I'm a route driver and I see alot of people at several big grocery stores. At one store there is a greeter that greets everyone at the front entrance. Since I see this person everyday for only a short time I never know what to say. Saying good morning everyday gets old. This person seems nice and I don't want them to think I don't give a c**p about them. Is there anything I can say besides good morning? What are your suggestions?




  1. Learn the person's name and greet them by name. Then, make a comment about the weather as you are walking by. Since the weather changes a lot you won't be saying the same thing every day, and if you say it while walking by you won't give the impression that you are waiting for any kind of answer or expect a conversation.

    Example: "Hey Rose, how ya doin today? Love all that sunshine today! Have a good one."

  2. you are under no obligation to say anything to them. the only reason they may say something to you is because it's thier job to and they get paid to greet anyone walking in the store.

    any time spent on 'small talk' is taking away from time spent to do your job and therefore reducing your productivity and efficiency.....i'm sure your boss didn't hire you to socialize.

    your job is to deliver and their job is to greet. keep it at hello or good morning and are under no obligation to do anything other than your job.

    EDIT: thumbs downs i get as it may be....the bottom line is if you tie up THEIR time with small talk then they aren't doing their job and you aren't doing yours....and in business time is money and if you waste one, you are wasting the other.

    why don't you ask your boss what he thinks you should say and see where that gets you? you don't get paid to tie up their time or yours. do your job, get out of there and go on to the next place. that's what YOU get paid to do.

    and no, Grady,  it isn't all about socializing to get a way in....and that's why i have been a senior manager for over 20 years and make what i do and the time wasters and socializers make what they do and do all the work....or get fired for not doing it as the case may be....the greeter at the front door isn't the one who is going to approve or sign the contract to get the business for your company, or have anything to do with who does or doesn't....that type of socializing and 'small talk' is done at my level, at conferences and conventions, on the golf course, or at industry functions where it matters. at his level, it doesn't....unless he owns the business or is directly related to the sales department and on commision....and i will also clarify for the record that in my industry we rely strictly on vendor contracts and sales for our isn't a product that can be bought by the general public, so we are completely dependant on the people in the company who approve and sign these contracts.....and the people at the bottom or the ones actually doing the work have no bearing on who gets the business....only the numbers do. who does the best job, the highest volume and in the least amount of time at the best quality....and standing around making 'small talk' and/or socializing of any type when you should be doing your job and moving on to the next stop, thereby increasing productivity and revenue isn't the way to retain business in a cutthroat environment such as today's economy.

  3. Our mail man comes in 4 out of 5 days every week and he is always coming up with random stuff to say because I think he feels the same way you do.  Sometimes he comments on the weather.  On friday he says something about having a good weekend, or ask about weekend plans.  Some days he has random jokes. Sometimes he comments on something one of us is wearing, etc.  But then we  have another mail man that just comes in that one day a week the normal guy doesn't work and all he says is have a good day every time. And we don't think anything of it.  

  4. Ask he or she how they are doing. If new road construction is going on or a fair is coming to town say "So do you think that the fair will be a big hit? You plan on going?" Or, wow, what do you think of all the road construction?! Pretty crazy out there huh?

    Maybe ask her for her opinion "Hey, my wife and I were thinking about going to ____ that new movie... have you seen it?

    Have you guys been busy today? Hasn't the weather been beautiful?

  5. One would think that someone with "20+ years in senior management" would know that a vendor does all he can to ingratiate himself with the store -- from the greeter on up to the store manager. Small talk is not only polite, it's good business. Taking a few minutes to chat with the greeter isn't going to detract from anyone's performance.

    And do ask your boss what he (or she) thinks: I'll bet he agrees.

  6. How are you?

    Comment on the weather...

    Just anything random...

    Nice shirt...

    think spur of the moment, smile too!

  7. Nice to meet you. You look very bright today. Is there any occasion?

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