
How do I use someones urine to pass a drug test?

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A friend of mine got caught smoking cannbis, his mother is taking him to get drug tested tomorrow, how can he use someones urine to pass the drug test, would obtaining clean urine and holding it in a warm flask work, strapping it to his inner thigh and filling the test jar with it, please help me out, I don't have time to buy fake urine and detox kits as the drug test is tomorrow.




  1. How about not doing drugs?

  2. put in a rubber glove and keep under your nuts to keep your body temp, have a small pointy object to poke it and put it in the cup. Your urine should always be between 98-100 degrees.

  3. First off, the person in the bind is pretty clearly you.

    Secondly, unless you're sure it's a urine test, I wouldn't try anything or buy anything. If it's a hair test, you're toast. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol if you're interested, it's the chemical in weed that makes you high) will stay in your hair for up to two years and no amount of shampoo will get it out.

    If you're sure it's a urine test, jeez ... your mom already knows you smoke weed, just get the drug test over with. Depending on how long it was since you smoked, it may not even show up. If they catch you with fake urine, they know you have something to hide.

    By the way, if they suspect that the urine isn't yours, they can do a DNA test. I wouldn't play games with this.

  4. yeah....put the urine in a bag, duct tape it to his body, attach a tube or something to the bag, and then just use that to pour into the cup at the drug test so it sounds like he's really peeing.  This worked twice for a friend of mine.

  5. wow. i would start by " the great purge"  drinking massive amounts of water. but don't over do it as it can be dangerous.

    then. sweat it off as much as you can i heard saunas work real well.

  6. What you described was a good way to do it, and 98.6 degrees is what the temperature should be (or at least around 98.6 degrees.)

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