
How do I use the Paris Metro? And which is better - a Paris Visite Pass or a Mobilis Pass?

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I have 6 people travelling (Dad, Mum, a 25-year-old sis and a 22-year-old one, a 14-year-old and a 10-year-old)

I'll be going to the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Disneyland and a few other places (fashion-wise)

How do I use the metro? I will be staying in one of the hotels in Rue de Vaugirard and it is 100 meters away from the Metro station (Metro Vaugirard)

And should I use a Paris Visite Pass or a Mobilis Pass?

What's the difference except the price anyway?




  1. I fully agree with Rillifane. Use Mobilis.

    Taking the metro is very simple.

    Go down, buy your Mobilis pass at the ticket booth, and ask them for a couple of metro maps. (Your hotel will also have metro maps).

    Make sure you understand the principle of the re-useable ticket. Go through the tripod machine, pick up your ticket, and move on.

    You will be presented with a choice of directions on large blue panels on the walls. These tell you which metro stations stand along your way. The direction is usually the name of the last station on the line. For instance, on Line #4, the first station is Porte d'Orleans, the last one is Porte de Clignancourt. The directions are "Porte d'Orléans" (south) and "Porte de Clignancourt" (north).

    When you need to change line to get to your destination, get off the car, and look at the blue overhead signs. They give you your next directions. Then follow the signage.

    That's all, really. The Parisian Metro is one of the most convenient subway systems in the world. Much simpler than NYC or London, and it criss-crosses the French capital with over 360 stations to lead you wherever you need to go in Paris. It's also fast, and relatively clean.

    I wish you a good trip, and a pleasurable experience with your family!

  2. Buy the Mobilis.

    The Paris Visite is a waste of money. It sells you something you don't need, i.e. a pass for zones 1-3 rather than zones 1-2.

    Since zone 3 is the inner suburbs there is no reason you would ever need to go there if you are staying in Paris proper.

    The Paris Visite is a money making scheme that exploits ignorant tourists.

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