
How do I use this surfboard to surf the web?

by  |  earlier

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John down at the beach store sold this to me for $599 and said it is hard to flip over and a great board for surfing, but I cannot hook it up to the computer and cannot find the USB entry point for the surfboard. I have a motherboard but this is my first surfboard for my laptop. Is this device wireless?




  1. ummm...good one?

  2. pmsl, thats just hilarious! The dude was lying to you :)

  3. Did you forget to connect the fatherboard to the motherboard?

    Put baby oil and cricket lather on the board and you'll be fine.

    Stop asking questions. I was going to watch a DVD!

  4. Yes do not worry.... it will conect inmidiatly to turn it on you have to smash it to the floor and to turn it off please paste it again with duct tape or super glue....

  5. just go on the internet

    then jam the board through your moniter

  6. ummm do u no wat a surfboard is? its got nothing to do with computers.go down to the beach and get some surfing lessons, its great fun.

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

    That made my day.

  8. Oh, you need a alive mouse.

  9. It's Wi-fi for sure, Super G to be exact.  But if you attach that long leash thing from the board to your crotch, it'll get better reception.

  10. funniest thing. ever

  11. haha are you for reals!!!? thats funny bro

  12. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Call up Earth Link and Hang Ten.

  13. doooooooooooooooooooooooooooouche.

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