
How do I wake up early naturaly?!!?

by  |  earlier

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Basicially, I HATE waking up late. If I dont set my alarm or have anything to get up for, I wake up then fall back a sleep then maybe wake up again but go back to sleep. I want to be the type who wakes up early, i'd love to be able to wake up at like 8:30 - 9:00 not really fussed about going back to sleep. I go to bed at like 12- 12:30. I've read all reports on doing a 3 week habbit or just put your alarm on every morning. But has a real yahoo expert got some factual tips they can give me which will make my wish come true :P




  1. Go to bed earlier, and start setting your alarm clock earlier, religiously stick to the routine until you can start waking up before your alarm clock goes off. As you get older, it will become natural.

    For me, no matter what time I go to bed, I usually wake up at around 6:00 am, without an alarm clock.

  2. Sleep outside or with the window open and wake up to the song of the birds

  3. the best thing u can do is sleep early!!! when u sleep late at night, obviously your body needs plenty of sleep and waking up late is a normal reaction unless you set your alarm..

  4. Shift your bedtime to 11:30 for three nights then 10:30 for three nights then to 10:00 PM and set your alarm - this should re-adjust your internal clock so you can achieve your goal

  5. Either:

    Set an alarm clock for the time you want to wake up and let the alarm clock wake you up for a month, so that you become accustomed to waking up at that time.


    Position your bed so that the sun coming through the window wakes you up.

  6. live with children ;^)   my boy is whacking me on the head at 6am every morning asking for breakfast.   Haven't slept in once in 6 years.


  7. thats wierd..

    I naturally get up before nine. My body wont let me sleep past 9

    I guess.. Just keep setting your alarm.

  8. Hi! Here are tips which I hope will help you wake up early naturally in the morning:

    * Go to bed early

    * Don't eat before going to bed

    * Avoid alcohol, caffeine, tobacco before going to bed

    * Regular Exercise

    * Make up interesting or important plans for the next morning

    * Put your alarm clock far from where you sleep

    Good luck!

  9. Sleep On The very edge of your bed. During your sleep you will roll over like many people do and fall out of it. That means you will wake up early

  10. Go to bed early, like 9pm. So your body will wake you up earlier morning, telling you you had enough sleep.

    PS. Can anyone answer mine, please?;...

  11. You need to be more active during the day,so you really get tired.

    Then go to bed way earlier.Like at ten.

    And set your alarm to 8 o,clock.You slept more then you need in fact then.

    And get out of bed immediately:fill your days with activities,not just pc games and such:your body needs to get tired.

    Repeat this for a while and you will get up early always:even without setting the alarm.

    I wake up at 5-6 am each morning:even if I go to bed real late.

    It became a habit.


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