
How do I win a fight...?

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Okay, so I'm not the biggest dude (like 5'8 and 140 pounds) and I usually don't get into fights. That being said, sometimes I punch so fast that people can't even see it and on occasion my fist is so quick that it bursts into flames, giving me an extra edge. However, this doesn't happen very often, so that won't help me all the time. If a dude pulls a knife on me, I've usually got my lightsaber handy, but I'm not very strong with the Force. If a gun is pulled on me, I'm pretty good at gun kata (reached second level), and my years of training at a Shaolin Monastery have helped me a bit with my technique. I know, though, that I shouldn't underestimate any adversary. Do you have any other tips that'll help me?




  1. Work on developing your chi, or was that cheese ?

  2. kick them in there nuts, that always makes them go down.

  3. Yeah--run like h**l when you hear 5 to 6 people shout: "Ultrazord-- LOCK ON AND FIRE ALL WEAPONS!"

  4. By not fighting

  5. Hmmm... I'd definitely learn how to fly. That way you can kick giant lepchrecauns that attack you in the head. :)

  6. Double leg take down followed by some ground n pound.  If that takes too much time, just do the flying arm bar.

  7. before they do anything kick them in the face before they pull out a weopon or do anything else tricky

  8. throw some low kicks a couple of jabs keep your distance if they  try rush you take them down and ground and pound them, if they try and take you down sprawl and knee them in the head then pull their hair and slam their face into the ground and kick em while their down until they're bleeding profusely. alternatively shoot them in the kneecap and then find a nice crowbar to beat them up with.

  9. Teleportation. Learn it, love it. You can just teleport back int time to when the dude giving you trouble was born. Then drop him on his head in front of his mom.

  10. Use the power of being a moron to confuse your opponent. The blind them with your ignorence. Finally make them laugh by telling them what you wrote in your question.

    Good lord there sure are a lot of stupid people on here.

  11. Hire Ninja turtles for bodyguards.

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