
How do I win an argument with my stubborn husband who wins whether he is right or wrong ?

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My husband is stubborn. Always wins arguments with everyone doesn't matter if he is right or wrong.

An example... this argument started off as something silly we were just joking around he was stopped at a red light and said "can you pass me a chewy" i was texting sum1 so i said "2 seconds"he said

"well I'm not moving until you do" i decided since i always give in 2 him cause he is extremely stubborn tonight i would call his bluff i didn't give him the chewy as it was right next to him and i just waited. He sat there for 5 minutes kept repeating "pass me a chewy" i said "get it your self its right there" then to make me give in he drove down a one way street i said "OMG what are you doing" then he turned around and parked at a stop sign (luckily no1 was coming it was a quiet night) he refused to move then as i still wasn't budging he started to reverse without looking saying "I'm going to hit a pole" finally i cracked and yelled saying he is so ridiculous i said he needs to stop this behavior then so i wouldn't talk he kept repeating the same word over and over again ( i cant remember what it was though it wasn't important) so you couldn't hear what i was saying...please help what do i do in this situation i just want to be able to win this type of argument for a change instead of me ending up crying. please help.




  1. Your husband sounds very immature, not just stubborn. A gentleman doesn't place his family at risk under any circumstances. This "man" is just a little boy and I would have gotten out of the car and called a cab. Remember who you are, you are a QUEEN. No one can speak to you like that.

  2. He's so childish!!! Of course you can't argue with a child!!  

  3. He is a drama queen. You love the drama too. You look at it as winning and losing. Next time he acts like a brat let him do it. Don't let it affect you. Just laugh at him. If he wants to act like a jackass let him. He will be the one getting the ticket for being a fool, not you.  

  4. Sounds like a control issue>To much drama> Is it worth it to have so much confrontation over nothing>  

  5. This man is deranged, and for you to fail to divorce him immediately is equally deranged.  Nobody deserves to be treated the way he treats you.  Do you really hate yourself so much that you'd spend your life putting up with his sh*t?  

    Come on, wise up and dump him.  You deserve better - LOTS better!

  6. Don't tell us you didn't know he was like this. Your husband has serious issues and they border on mental. No body wins an insane argument. He uses pressure to win his side opinions and waits you out to make you buckle down and give in to him. Suggest he see someone to take care of this problem or you will consider an argument he can't hope of winning and he will be out without the tag or beating the throw......

  7. Your husband sounds insane. Go to marriage counselling, or kick him in the nuts.

  8. Instead of fighting with him about things, when he is being ridiculous leave the fighting arena. If he does something dangerous, as you described with the car, get out.

    This isn't about winning an argument in his mind, it's a control issue. You accept what he says or asks for or else.

    The only reason he can do this is because you let him. Just calmly tell him if he is going to be unreasonable you will leave the room and do it. You will have won because you are the one in control of your own self.

  9. i have no idea but im glad he aint my husband wat an *** he plays too much tell him to grow up

  10. Laugh at him.  

  11. ha ha...he sounds like he is a blast to be around...not just some ole' stick in the mud.

    pick and choose your battles, and thats one i wouldnt have picked!

  12. Change your thinking. No one should WIN an argument. You need to learn how to fight fair (which means :

    No one EVER wins

    Never bring up old stuff

    Never hit them where it hurts

  13. what a dic...

    tell him that you don't like how he treats you he seems really overpowering...

    it sounds to me that he is acting like a child...if the chewy was in the glove box or something yeah...but it was right next to him...and he threatened to crash the car....weird...try to discuss it with him in a calm environment

  14. You need to seriously look at your husband.  That was very cruel.  Not to say that he put both of you in danger.  Get out now before he really goes off and hurts or kills you.

  15. try sitting him down and talking to him about it, and if that doesn't work try standing up for yourself, if he says he won't move, unlock your door and say fine i'll walk, or something along those lines. hope i helped.

  16. Hey Peach, unfortunately your husband has got a lot of control over you, and I bet the first time the two of you met that's when it all started, first impressions are what matter most. And I say thing for everyone, when you first meet someone try to act strong and stand up for yourself.

    Now as for your husband, you should have done the following, when he asked you to pass a chewy, you should have just got out of the car and call a friend to pick you up or a cab or whatever. I mean don't give in to his silly stupid arguments.

    Show him you've got rights and really stand up for yourself.

    I'm sure you'll do fine next time, the time anything like that ever occurs. leave that environment immediately. and spend a few days away from him, he'll miss you soon enough, and want you back more than you can imagine. And then he may just act properly....

    Take Care


  17. Talk to him tell him how you feel. Or you be stubborn. For example if yo have the t.v remote ask him to pass you a pillow and when he says no turn the television off and refuse to turn it back on until he gives you it if he doesn't give you it after 5-10 minutes and starts getting angry. Give in ad say i don't really want the pillow i just want you to see how frustrating you are. xx.

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