
How do I wire bottles for hanging?

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I have many brightly colored bottles that I want to hang outside. Can anyone tell me how to wire the bottles for this purpose? I would need to know what size wire to use and maybe a good website to explain how - without making any holes in the glass. Thanks!




  1. I didn't really find anything online that I liked to explain how to do this. The links below are a kind of reference or another way to do it.

    If you are going to hang the bottles outside, you want wire that is not going to rust. I would suggest copper, anodized aluminum, or "Artistic Wire" (a color coated copper wire) in a 20 ga. (gauge) or larger to 14 ga. depending on the look you are going for. Remember that the smaller the number gauge wire the thicker the diameter is.

    There are 2 ways to do this:

    Take the 4-5 pieces of wire and set the bottle on the middle of the wire. You want the wire to have 3-4 times the height of the bottle on each side.

    Use a small piece of wire to wrap and gather all the wires together in a bunch in the middle of all of the wires that have been cut.

    Fan out the wires at the bottom of the bottle.

    Take 2 of the wires that are next to each other and use your finger or a fat marker to leave some space in the wire before you give the wire a couple of twists.

    Repeat this step to make a wire netting around the base of the bottle and up the sides.

    If your bottle has a good sized lip...

    Make a big closed eye loop by twisting the wire around a fat marker.

    Wrap the wire around the neck of the bottle 3-4 times

    End the wire with another big closed eye loop on the other side of the first one. Wrap the wire around the bottle once more and around the twist of the closed eye loop to secure the end and cut it.

    Hope that helps.

  2. I just gave these intructions to a girl for what to do with jars. With the bottles though I would make the handle before I did the second step that way you could thread the loops all at once.

    You will need 18 ga but 20 gauge will work somewhat. Cut two pieces of wire the length of the bottle plus the bottom plus 4 inches. Place the wire down in a + pattern and center the bottle on top. fold the wire up sides and make loops at the ends by twisting it. cut enough wire to go around the neck of the bottle plus enough to  twist it tight to secure. since you are using bottles make a handle any length you desire with a loop formed at each end take the wire that you cut for the neck and thread it through all 6 loops alining the handle up one loop on each side.  Twist tightly!!

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