
How do I write a Query letter to a literary agent?

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My friend and I are writers and wish to have our works published, does anyone know the steps to do this, and what should be included in a query letter? I have only gotten vague details whenever i have asked around.Thanks.




  1. Securing representation for your book is a step in the right direction.

    Start by determining what genres best categorize your book. Some of the major genres for fiction are: action/adventure, detective/police/crime, erotica, ethnic, fantasy, historical, horror, humor, juvenile, literary, mainstream/contemporary, military/war, mystery/suspense, occult, poetry, regional, religious/inspirational, romance, science fiction, short-story collections, spiritual, sports, thriller, western/frontier, women's, and young adult.

    Next, find agents that specialize in your book's genre. For your financial safety, only consider agents that are a members of the Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR) or that abide by their high standards. Any agent wanting money up front or in fees is not someone you want representing your book. A list of professional agents can be found at the AAR's website:

    Just click the "database of agents" and begin narrowing your results. You want to find agents accepting unsolicited queries that match your genre. Note, some agents want actual paper submissions, while others prefer email. If you mail it out, be sure to include an extra self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) if you want an answer back.

    Your query letter should be one page in length, with two to three paragraphs. The first paragraph should include a synopsis of your book and the word count. Make that first line your best and capture the agent's attention with everything you've got. The second paragraph should include a brief bio and why you were qualified to write your book. In otherwords, what sets you and your book apart from the thousands like it. BUT, don't make promises or comparisons you can't back up. Stick with literary awards you've won, writing conferences you've attended, and things relevent to your book.

    In the last paragraph, mention where you found the agent's listing and explain why you queried him in particular. (This makes your query seem personal and not just another form letter with only the agent's name changed). In the final line, thank the agent for his/her time and consideration and say you are ready to send part or all of your manuscript if desired.

    Understand, unless you are extremely fortunate, it will take between 50 and 100 submissions before you start getting a few responses that are favorable. Do not give up. Believe in your story and yourself, and know that if your are patient and hardworking, you will succeed!


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