
How do I write a query letter?

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I am following what the literary agent specifically wants, and I need a little help. Should I put any personal information (age, how long I have been writing)? How can I make a good hook that would feed into the information about my fantasy novel?




  1. You have to google this on your own, because you just gave yourself away as an amateur by asking.  

  2. There are whole books and websites devoted to the query letter, and part of others telling all about hooks.

    Your age and how long you've been writing won't sell the book. I'd leave both out unless they're a factor. Agents will not be impressed with a fairly decent novel by a teen. A brilliant novel by a teen, yes, but you have to get them to read it before they can deem it brilliant.

    Your query should include the book's genre, title, and word count. It can include any writing awards or other sales you've had, especially in fantasy. It should include a one- to two-paragraph summary of the main plotline of your book, introducing the main characters. It should say clearly that you're seeking an agent, and it should thank them for their time. Enclose your self-addressed stamped envelope for reply, if you're querying on paper.

    I swear, queries are harder than novels. The writing site AbsoluteWrite has a critique board just for queries.

  3. I imagine you would type a lisp on the end of words and put a few * flaps limp wrist* throughout the letter.

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