
How do I write a review on Yahoo! Local, Games, or Travel?

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Well, I just started my Yahoo 360 page (

and it says to write review but I don't know how to. I went to Yahoo! Games to start, and I couldn't find out where I was supposed to go to write a review on some of the games.

I haven't tried Local or Travel yet. But still, could ya help?




  1. WARNING: I really think this is one of the worst modules in 360. I don't recommend using it because many people have used it only to find months later that it stopped working. There is no fix for it WITHIN that module. I recommend that if you are going to review something, you should create a blog entry with REVIEW: as the start of the title and write it there.

    Otherwise, here's the skinny on the Reviews module:

       1. Click "My Page" at the top of the page.

       2. Select "Share Reviews" or "Start writing reviews"

       3. Set your permissions on the top right ("as seen by").

       4. Select the checkbox next to "Reviews" and click "Save."

    NOTE: You have to go away from your Yahoo 360 page to another Yahoo! service (preferably) to write a review. It will show up on its own if you checked "Share Reviews." There is an approval process which may take a few days.

    The 360 help page has instruction on how to make sure that your 360 is set up to share reviews and explains the process at

    Then, the 360 team has two "How To" posts on reviews (related to other Yahoo services) at and

    Typically, reviews that meet Yahoo!'s review guidelines will appear on your Yahoo! 360° page within 2-4 days.

    If it doesn't show up on your page, really there's nothing you can do. The Y!360 team is no longer addressing bug reports, as it prepares to launch a new social-networking system in the 2nd half of 2008. See for more details. The 360 team blog is also accessible via the "Yahoo! 360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space.

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