
How do I write an entire essay about one word???

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ok, for my AP English III summer homework, i have to do a couple of things. but the one i need help on the most is on an essay i have to write titled:

"The Word Which Best Describes Me"

yup, one essay. meaning 5 paragraphs on how that one word decribes me. the word that i chose was "possitive".

so my question is:

How do i write 5 paragraphs on that one word???




  1. You picked possitive so you have to figure out things, experiences etc. that have happened for you because you're positive.

    For example, you could talk about something that happened to you and only happened the way that it did because of your positive attitude. You could talk about the perks of being a positive person. How being positive helps you daily.  

  2. How it describes you?

    How it fits you?

    Eh, I'm not sure. Thats pretty hard tbh.

    ~Follower of the Way.

  3. You might want to include:

    the definition of the word

    an example of  times when you were positive

    the benefits of being positive

    a contrast/opposite of being positive

    your personal philosophy about being positive

    Also don't forget to follow standard essay format and have an introduction and conclusion.

    Good luck--you can do it!  (Stay positive!)

  4. the way i would do it is i would introduce what the essay is about in the first paragraph. in the second i would say the reasons why i am positive. the next paragraph i would use a life experience (example) of why i am positive. in the third i would address any counter arguments and then in the last i would sum it up.  

  5. Positive is a great word to choose!  Maybe the essay could be about the word "positive" being your mantra in life.  In other words everything you do or the way you approach life situations is with a positive attitude; its your guiding light.  Then give a couple of examples where that mantra made you feel good, made you a better person, gave you insight, impacted another person in a "positive" way, etc =)

    Good luck with the essay - they are fun to write - let yourself go =)

  6. You don't.  The essay is not about the word, it's about you.  Since you chose the word, your essay will be about your traits and why you think the word describes you.  FYI, don't use the word more than once in your essay.  Trust me on this.  Find synonyms for it to use in the body of your essay and save the actual word for either your first or last paragraph.  I'd go for the last paragraph to give it more emphasis, as in "How can I be sure that the word I've been alluding to really describes me?  That's easy.  I'm positive."

  7. "Positive" is a great choice! But do spell it correctly.

    Think of three examples of how you are a positive person. Do you usually expect everything to turn out okay? Do you look for the silver lining in the cloud when things go wrong? Do you focus on the good in people and things rather than finding things to complain about?

    Use the first paragraph as the intro, the last one as the conclusion, and give one of the examples in each of the three middle paragraphs.

  8. Well use the 5 W's: Who what when where why

    Who, inspired you to be positive?

    What, made you think positive?

    When, are you most positive?

    Where, do you do your most positive thinking?

    Why, are you positive?

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