
How do I write good lyrics?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, like everyone else my dream is to become famous. I play guitar, I am a percussionist, I also can play alittle piano. But I can't write lyrics. I don't know how to even start with them. Do you just like use personal experiences? Make them up at random? Can anybody please help me.




  1. more like random, off the wall thinking. Just choose a topic and write about it or make a comparison using two things that are few and far between. Examples: Life and Turbulence (ocean currents/wind gusts) It makes it rather easy. A good start would be: Shimmering and thrashing constantly my life is crashing into seas of .....

    it's really all about breaking away from the ordinary, think outside the box.

  2. True lyricists come up with their writings by reflecting on their lives and using their own experiences. Some write about a subject that is overwhelming, like growing up, death, health disorders and diseases, etc. Some write about nature, others about a time where they felt alone.

    But most importantly, a lyricist writes from their heart. None of the words have to rhyme, but it adds so much more meaning if you change the word "cool" to "amazing" or "enchanting". Describe to the best of your ability and channel the poet within :]

  3. i take past experiences and the words just flow from me..or a few times i just picked a topic and practically told a story

  4. i just use a mix of past experiences and my love for a girl hey email me if u want an EX.

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