
How do Kurds feel when they hear the song Ceddin Deden?

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Do Kurds feel a sense of pride in it, or is it something alien?




  1. hi,

    did you read the lyric Ceddin Deden?

    here is the lyric:



    Ceddin deden, neslin baban

    Hep kahraman Türk milleti

    Orduların, pekçok zaman

    Vermiştiler dünyaya şan.

    Türk milleti, Türk milleti

    Aşk ile sev milliyeti

    Kahret vatan düşmanını

    Çeksin o mel’un zilleti"

    "Türk Milleti " =the correct translation is the Turkish citizens and we says that all the Anatolian peoples are the Turkish citizens.

    btw , all the Turkish boys sing this march ,all to gather,while they perform their military services,(Turks,Kurds,Rums, Armenians,Jewish etc) and they haven't any problems about theirs "Ceddin Deden" .

    Do you have any problem about your's "ceddin deden"?

  2. It is not an ordinary song, it is a military song of the Ottoman Armed Forces, it is a part of our history, people do not hear it all the time as if it is pop music or something, we hear it only in historical days maybe and sometimes for touristic attraction.

    When Turkish citizens hear it most of them think about their history, a shared history of every Turkish citizen. If that is what you call pride than be it that way. Nothing wrong with it. The bottomline is Turks and Kurds are Turkish citizens who have lived side by side for centuries who share not only Ceddin Deden but also İstiklal Marşı, our National anthem, among other things. End of story.

  3. i think they will feel like ceddin dede.

    what a fukkkin question?what the fukkk is ceddin dont have a clue when you ask the question d you?

  4. Pride because their ancestors also probably had the honour of fighting in the Ottoman army.

  5. Turks and Kurds have been friends for thousands years, in Ottoman times too. If we talk about friendly Kurds, they would feel pride or nothing.

  6. ok this is random but i just had to say it...

    i was looking quickly over the questions and when i saw the title on this question as i glanced quickly it looked like 'How do Kurds feel when they hear celine dion?

    so i get this image of kurds sitting around a TV in some backwater kurd village kissing a makeshift kurdish flag as celine belts out 'my heart will go oooooooooon'

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