
How do Lebanese feel about the increase in petrol prices?

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Yes but in Lebanon minimum wage is still 450,000 L.L. per month and you need at least 2 tanks a week to go to I guess it's better to stay at home...LOL




  1. You can use the Buss!

  2. Well i fill up my car for 10 usd !!!!! REALLY

    but im not in lebanon

  3. well I know here in the US Im DYING from them.. I mean come on 4.00 a gallon???? WHat is this!!! Its killing me and they say by summer it will be 5.00 dollars a gallon!!!!!!

  4. In Toronto we are paying 26$ for 20 litres of gas. That's about 39,000 Lira. We aren't doing to badly yet as Canada is beginning to have an oil boom. Although most of it is sold to the US. Gas guzzlers down there. Cheers!

  5. The price of energy, in particular fossil fuel, is historically high and seems set to increase. Fuel bills - whether for the home or for the car - take up an ever-increasing proportion of people's budgets.

  6. Not funny is it ...?  Yesterday I filled my tank & it took about 60 litres & cost $85 !

    That works out to about 42500LL for 20 litres by my calculation but when you consider the number of k's driven here , it's getting really serious !

  7. Its all because of Ameirca, they invade a country filled with oil wage a war for oil kill innocent people for oil but guess what oil prices are at all time highs. u know why? first off they sell the oil to private companies for a price, such as Halaburton or whateevr or Bush's family's reserve, so that doesnt give the people much oil.

    Also here in American, economy is down and government is in debt, to pay off the debt, they raise the price for gas, u pay more taxes that way, taxes go to the government, government pays off debt

    works out great for the government, but what about the average everyday ignorant consumer getting screwed over?

  8. since i am half Kuwaity i am feeing neutral :I  Good fo Kuwait :) Bad for lebanon :(

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