
How do McCain Surrogates Have the Nerve to Bring Up Flip-Flops?

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Rudy Juliani had the nerve to make his RNC speech about what he called Obama's flip flops. But Nobody has more flip flops than McCain. He has flip flopped on almost every one of his positions, from his pre-election to election stance. Here are a few of McCain's flip flops:

He was against Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest (said they offended his conscience) before he was for them.

He was for his very own authored immigration bill, before he was against it.

He told us the Iraq war would be easy, before he said anyone who thought it would be easy, doesn't know anything about wars.




  1. dude, that's politics, that's what happens. only the scum of the earth go in to politics now days (with a few exceptons of course)

  2. Listens to Obama, and notes if the wind is blowing, and than can

    predict a change or a flop,

  3. this can be settled by real objective reports that do independent research so go to Politfact and check out McCain and Obama.

    It might save a lot of biased and uninformed comments.

    So far McCain has told 4 pants on fire lies once researched Obama 0

    This question is correct.  McCain of 2008 has thrown the maverick of 2004 under the bus.  

    I heard McCain very passionate oppose the Bush Tax cuts on CSPAN way back when citing that we could not keep borrowing money from China at the rate we were borrowing and keep cutting taxes and still finance a war.  Guess winning the election is actually more important to McCain that he believed was the good of the Country before he caved in to win.

  4. Well I guess it's better than voting "present".

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