
How do Mexicans feel about Americans?

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I get to go to mexico for a couple weeks this winter, and I am not going to a fake experience place like Cancun, but into a normal, average town. Im an american, and I am not sure is Mexico natives dislike us or anything because I don't know anyone from there. Is there anything I need to know before I go?




  1. I'm Mexican 100%, i come from the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco. second biggest city in Mexico and we are known for being very machos you know. There is nothing to be afraid of, and we don't hate you at all, the problem is that people who got to mexico from the U.S. look different, like they are rich or somethin' and that's all. i'll give u a tip, so read carefully.  if you are going to a city like a normal place in mexico, be sure to not step in the wrong neighborhood, because the gangsters in mexico are far more dangerous than in the U.S. to the point that not even police dares to go into the hood, they can kill you for the dummest ****.  especially in the cities, like Guadalajara and Mexico City, i'm telling you this because that's where i'm coming from and don't be a show off, otherwise you are going to be in deep trouble, i'm not trying to scare you, it's just what it is.  other than that the country as whole is really beautiful and you should not have a problem going anywhere as long as you are not in the wrong place, a lot of stuff to see in towns, they are beautiful and the girls too. a lot of pretty girls down there,lol

  2. Mexican in general just totally hate GRINGOS, I hate them so much that I ended up marrying one, soo much that  I've been married for 12 looong years....just kidding. I'm 100% Mexican and yes we welcome all Americans. You guys are just everywhere and also you will find a lot of chicanos, people who were born in the USA but from Mexican descent, hence it is very common to see American people. Did you know that Americans are the largest expat group living in Mexico?

    If you go the the big cities, it will be very easy to find people who are fluent in English and can help you around. When you get there, enjoy your life to the fullest, and don't be afraid of asking for things in broken Spanish, people in general are friendly and eager to help.

    By the way, yes I've been married for more than 12 years to an American blonde.

  3. Mexican's don't hate americans, they just thing you have alot of By the way im mexican american

  4. Most Mexicans are very warm hearted and will treat you like family once they get to know you (unless you're like some Americans who go down there and yell and order them about).  If you flash your money and show your wealth, they'll tolerate you because you're bringing money to the economy.

    Click the link below for a good book you shoud read before you go.

  5. Well Mexicans are Americas too, North Americans to be specific. There is no anti-american sentiment just use common sense and people will like you. p.s. learn a little spanish before going, any when first trying to communicate with someone try and use spanish when addressing them, then let them reply back in english ( if they speak it), it shows that you are not rude/cocky and are willing to make an effort. HAve fun and u should make friends quickly.

  6. Nothing special. The most of us are very friendly to USA people or any foreigner. There is not something like "anti american" feeling (although one or two fool semi-comunist guys may seem to be, specially in México city; but that is uncommon).

    There is nothing to be afraid of. And the best areas for foreigners are, actually, not touristic (where people is used to see foreigners and always try to get money by selling cheap stuffs).

    Only one little advice: people from USA is not called "americana" they are called "estadounidense" (Estados Unidos means United States), mexicans are americans too (as are canadians, argentianians, brazilians, etc.). So, please don't get offended when the people calls you "gringo" (they will do it!, you can be sure on that!), wich is NOT an offensive word, but we find too long call you "estadounidense" in regular talking. This is fun, when we are seeing a movie and they say in english "american people bla, bla...", the subtitles will always say "el pueblo estadounidense bla, bla..." This little thing may offend a mexican.

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