
How do Molly fish get pregnant?

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I am 13 years old and I just 5 Molly fish, 2 boys, three girls. I want them to have babies but I don't know what to do. The tank is two galloons but I can't afford a bigger one. How long will this take?



fish begginer




  1. try the bottom half of this website:

  2. they are prolific breeders. Do you notice the males chasing after the females? If so that is a good sign. It will not take long for them to mate. Also you may want a bigger tank. When the mother gives birth the fry need a lot of places to hide so that they don't get eaten by the other fish.  There are cheaper bigger tanks. The females usually are pregnant for about 3 weeks. hope this helped.  

  3. they have s*x, how do you think anything gets pregnant lol?

  4. Your tank is really really too small.  5 mollies would need a minimum of a 10 gallon tank.  They know how to breed on their own but you don't have room for fry and if they do have any they will get eaten because the fish are too crowded.  


  5. WHOA! If you can't afford anything bigger than a 2 gallon, you should not have mollies, they really need a 15 gallon or larger tank. I am 12 and I have my own 8 gallon eclipse tank, no mollies cuz I can't afford a larger tank and non of my parents larger tanks are suited for mollies.. They are not very expensive and If you got the 15 gallon one I am pretty sure your mollies will thank you! They breed like guppies. Just put the male and female together and in 1 months there will be lots of babies! You WILL need to get a larger tank when the babies come.

  6. Oops, you already have too many fish for that size container.  At least a 10 gallon is needed for 1 male and 2 females if you want babies.  Just keep the male with the females and if they're mature and the water conditions are right, babies will be born about once a month.

  7. okay please get a 5 gallon tank at least. and you have to have lots of hiding spaces to have the baby survive or the parents will eat the them and just be patient the females will get pregnant.

  8. We have a male and a female molly in a ten gallon tank and they have mated and now we have about 20 babies.  The babies are now about 3 months old and we released three of them into the tank with their parents.  Until this we have placed all of the babies in a breeders net which we purchased at Meijers for $5.00 that you hang on the inside of the tank. It keeps the parents from eating the babies and the babies are not exposed to different water temperatures than what they were born in.  You need to watch closely and keep an eye on the babies and how the parents interact with them (wanting to eat them).  We keep the parents well fed (about 3 times a day) so that they will leave the babies alone.  You will need to keep a very close eye out for babies if the mother looks pregnant.  The babies will hide in the rocks and you need to catch them and put them in the breeders net for their own safety.  You smash up some flake food and feed them about 3 times a day also.  You should be able to tell if the babies are male or female at about 3 months(I heard anyway).  Now we have babies to give away to family and friends.  Good luck and look around for a bigger tank so you can have some babies.

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