
How do NHL teams pay for salaries when cap goes up?

by  |  earlier

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Ok folks, we are about to hear the salary cap minimum will be confirmed at $42.2 million next season.

So the question is how does the extended revenue from the past season help or hurt teams?


Let's say a team paid the minimum last season at $34 million and made a profit of $8 million.

Now in the upcoming season this same team will have to pay an additional $8 million towards player salaries. Where does this difference come from? Does the league write a bigger cheque now to all the teams, covering the $8 million in extended revenue? Or does this team have to pay out more of their own pockets, and the $8 million that went as profit the past season now goes for not!!!!

Also. How much money is given to each teams from TV deals and SPONSORS at the end of year. like the CFL teams get 3 million a year,etc.




  1. Sorry Vicky but the golden goose has laid it's last egg. Either you chop off it's head to find out where the eggs come from or you raise the price of gold.

    As Lily Tomlin used to say "And that's the truth."

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