
How do Religeous people explain Dinosaurs ?

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I mean man came a lot later on the evoloutionary scale....

suposedley the world was created in 7 days ?

Do the 2 not conflict ?




  1. The more intelligent and educated religious people accept evolution and know Earth is much more than 6012 years old. The fundamentalists ignore dinosaurs or offer silly overly-contrived excuses for errors in the Bible that was begun by an ignorant shepherd. The scientifically proven 4,550,000,000 year history of Earth does conflict with the naive Bible accounts. There are 2 different creation myths that contradict one another at the beginning of Genesis.

  2. I've heard two types of explanations:

    Bible literalists who believe that things happened exactly as stated in the bible have told me that either the Devil put the bones in the ground to fool us, God did it to test our faith, or that scientists and educators who teach evolution or research dinosaurs are godless heathens who are in league with Satan and lying to lead Christians astray.

    Many Christians believe that the 7-day story is symbolic or metaphoric, and that a "day" is a relative term. They believe that either God's day is millions of years long (making the story true from His perspective), the "day" represents creation steps and not actual days, or that the whole story may not be true but that the important part is that God created the world. From this perspective, it's easy to stretch much of the creation story to fit the scientific picture.

  3. Many religious people explain them as being animals that -apart from birds- lived between around 230 million to 65 million years ago.

    <<I mean man came a lot later on the evoloutionary scale....>>

    "A lot later" than what?

    <<suposedley the world was created in 7 days ?>>

    It would be a great mistake to imagine that most religious people believe any such thing, if you mean that literally.  It doesn't say that in any version of The Bible I've ever read.

    <<Do the 2 not conflict ?>>

    If it so appears, then leave that up to the author to explain.  After all, perhaps your understanding of the text is less than perfect.

  4. It depends upon your measurement of time. Noah lived for over 600 years... how long was a year then compared to a year now? In God's terms how long is a day?

    Dinosaurs were created during day 4... or was it 3???

  5. obviously they were put their by god to test our faith, duh!

  6. The old/young earth debate is still being actively discussed among Christians.

    I believe that science must inform our interpretation of Scripture just as Scripture must inform our interpretation of science. After all, there aren't two truths, one 'religious' and another 'scientific'. There were those in the church of who argued that Scripture taught the Earth was flat and at the center of the universe. Clearly, science corrected that thinking and no rational and educated person would support geocentricty today. Likewise, there are scientist today who argue that everything that exists today came into being from nothing for no particular purpose. Scripture has some light to shed here.

    To make a very long argument short, I believe that the correct interpretation of Scripture means that the world is older, approximately 13.4 billion years. Mankind arrived on the scene long after the dinosaurs were gone. But I also believe that all of the species that have come and gone and all of the shifts and changes that the planet has been through these last 4.5 billion years or so where divinely predestined to make Earth habitable for man. I'm NOT saying that I believe in divinely directed evolution - I don't. Each species was a unique creation of a divine Creator. And mankind was the ultimate and apex of that creative work.

    This isn't the best forum to discuss a terribly complex and multi-faceted subject. If you've got real questions on the topic, I'd recommed 'Reasons to Believe'. Check them out at:

  7. It's not, because obviously, it was the true GOD Who created them all, the planets, the universe, human and all the things in the globe. Because GOD does not have biginning or end, HE is the ultimate creator of all things.

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