
How do Republicans feel about Iraq now that they have forced a US withdraw.?

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2011. That isn't a time horizon, or a time table, it is a deadline.

1. How do you feel about that?

2. Was the war worth it? The Iraqis aren't exactly singing our praises and carrying flowers in the streets of Bagdahd.




  1. They feel or think nothing. As usual. Bush/Cheney became a 'little bit' richer , though... It's goooood to be rich, especially at your expense (your tax money that went to Haliburton/Oil companies)

  2. That is up to the Iraqi government.  If they want us out then we should leave.  I suspect as the date draws closer there may be some reconsideration of the "deadline" though..

  3. Apparently you don't have to complete the objective (WMDs) to be "winning" anymore, you just need less casualties than the month before.

  4. i dont even know why america attacked iraq

    infact this war started 500 years ago iam serius its called the muslim wars

  5. Were getting there...I agree that the premise for going there in the first place was questionable at best, but think about Saddam's ambitions ...we put that to rest. Iraq will have to stand-up..and if they don't, God help us all!

  6. The MAJORITY of Iraqi's never wanted us there to begin with!!

    The MAJORITY of Americans know it was all based on G O P lies !!

    Even the Republicans know Bush lied to get his war

    why else would they be all whinney about someone saying McCain is just like Bush ?

  7. uhhh excuse me.. forced??? I see you are completely confused.Why dont you ask the Iraqis if they are glad saddam is gone??? see what answer you get...guess you wish he was still there ...

  8. Just because the Iraqi government has requested that we exit by 2011, that does not mean that we will.  

  9. Bush has created more terrorists than the Islamic fundys ever dreamed of, and crippled this country in one fell swoop, and gained nothing. Way to go. And we thought senior was a lunatic.

  10. Its very sad how ill-informed and juvenile libs are.

    First a proud conservative (only Republican for convenience's sake) I feel qualified to answer your loaded question.

    As a former Marine and proud supporter of the Iraq war, I can tell you that since we have effectively won the war against terrorism in Iraq according to the boots on the ground, I am perfectly fine with a time-line to withdraw.

    Was the war worth it?  What kind of stupid question is that?  If you believe that the Iraqi people are (as a whole) resentful of what we've done there, then you are blindly biased.  Of course it was worth it.

    As for the people still using the whole "no WMD's" should really be made aware of how stupid you seem when you can't think up something new AND ACCURATE to whine about with regard to President Bush and the war in Iraq.  There WERE MANY instances of WMD's  found including (among others) a stockpile of over 500 metric tons of yellowcake uranium that has since been moved out of the country.  

    "What a fool believes, he sees."

    The truth is that Sadaam and his sons are/were animals of the most vicious type and the world is a better place without him.  The Iraqi people know this...and you know they know it.

  11. Forced?  Not quite the correct word.  The US policy all along has been if asked to leave, we would leave as we are not an occupying force.  If they want our troops out in 2011, fine - if they want them out right now, so much the better!

  12. You need to read the agreement again. At their request, the Iraqi government is allowed to extend the timetable without negotiation.

  13. I feel great the surge work.

    It work so well Obama could walk around Baghdad.

    He like it so much he is pushing for a surge in Afghanistan.

    Iraq is standing on its and that was the goal all along.

    Iraq went from a dictatorship to democracy.

    Progress is being made and that is always a good thing.  

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