
How do Republicans feel about having an Inmate as a Vice President?

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Palin's investigation story. LOL, McCain couldn't have given the Democrats a better gift.




  1. She's done nothing criminal.  What if it was your family?  I know I'd do whatever I had to do to protect mine.

    Where does being an inmate come into play here?  She's not one.

  2. LOL yourself.  Tell us, O Wise Troll, who is the inmate??  Who is incarcerated?  I can't find that ANYONE is AN INMATE!

    And if you would, please tell us why you are so insecure that you have to air your bias and venom here.    Shhhh...are you scared??

    oh're scared.

  3. Ur an idiot. For one calling her an inmate is uneducated. If that's all you dems think you have on her, then roll with it. We have plenty against Obama and his racist wife.

  4. What has Joe Biden done that requires him to be locked up?

  5. You're citing the WP as a credible news source? We don't feel any way at all about it because we deal in facts. This is not fact. We do smell the strong stench of DESPERATION coming from the libs though. LOL!

    ADD: We can't justify something that is not a FACT! How do you justify being a mind numbed robot for Obama?

  6. How do the Dems feel about a crackhead in office?...Typical

  7. This was voted on by a non partisan group to start the investigation in a 12 to 0 vote.  It's obvious she abused her powers.  Now, she just stated her 17 year old daughter is pregnant - gee, what a great role model!

  8. Better than having a crack head as president.

  9. Well, at least she doesn't have associations with known terrorists.... BILL AYERS!!

  10. the trooper threatened to hurt and kill someone.

    she did what she needed to do.

  11. As usual, the libs are looking for a gift, a hand-out.  Can't earn anything on their own merits, their "wins" have to come by default.  lol   Not surprising, but keep dreaming, it's just not going to happen.  You will have to work much harder to "win" the Presidency for a racist like Obama.

  12. Innocent until proved guilty.

    My party used to believe in it.

    I am not surprised it no longer does.

    Democrats for McCain/Palin.

  13. they welcome it, after all, they are republicans

  14. Any news on Obama's back yard in Illinois yet?

    Imagine an elected official accepting a 'gift' like that from someone lobbying his office!

    A WalMart buyer would be fired for conduct like that.

  15. Did you read the one about Biden as well.

    Biden Family Financial Connections Detailed

    Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden is facing some questions about his family's lobbying and financial dealings.

    The Biden family's connections to SimmonsCooper, an Illinois law firm that specializes in representing asbestos victims, is detailed today in a Los Angeles Times investigation by Chuck Neubauer and Tom Hamburger.

    The Times reports that the firm promised to finance a hedge fund deal for Biden's son, Hunter, and brother, James (which ultimately fell through); picked the law firm of another son, Beau, to work on dozens of asbestos cases in Delaware; and that SimmonsCoopers employees donated about $200,000 to Biden's campaign efforts since 2001, making the company his top donor.

    Hunter Biden is a Washington lobbyist. Beau Biden, the attorney general of Delaware, gave an emotional introduction to his father at the Democratic Convention last night.

    The Times' report follows several stories this week documenting Hunter Biden's lobbying connections and financial dealings:

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