
How do Republicans have a national 80% approval rating for Stalin er... Palin in less than 24 hours?

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I mean really...

Are we expected to believe that millions of voters called up Gallop to tell them that they approve of some chick that they've never heard of until a couple of hours ago???




  1. So you made a rhyme...does it actually mean anything.....NO!!!!

    Have you actually heard of her?? Why the comparison to Stalin??

  2. Maybe your are confused to what the 80% is. Her approval rating is what the Alaskan population thinks about her. 80% but more of the time it is in the 90% range.  

  3. Yep, the Repubs herded their sheep already.

  4. The approval rating is for her as governor of Alaska, as polled by the citizens of Alaska.

  5. Nice attempt  at an insult but since Stalin was a communist and Palin is a "right winger", it really makes no sense. Next time you try a fake Freudian slip pick something a little more effective.

  6. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  7. Ok, well given your oh so subtle "slip" there, I guess we know where your biases lay.

    Ok, now let's think about how a poll like this works.  No, people do not "call up" the pollsters; Gallup, or whomever, initiates the calls, based on whatever process they use, and they ask people questions, and the people answer.  I'm guessing the question was something along the lines of, "Do you approve or disapprove of Gov. Palin as McCain's running mate?"  So, apparently, of the people the pollsters contacted (however many that may be), 80% of them answered that they do approve of the choice.

    It's really not that difficult.

  8. Because she's an excellent choice!

  9. A lot depends on who they asked. if they asked people at a GOP enclave, the totals are not that strange

  10. where did you get this information? Please tell me.

  11. Your obvious negativity will not be challenged, for sure.  If you read up on Sarah Palin you will realize what a brilliant choice John McCain actually made. How dare you refer to her as Stalin?????

  12. To all those who are asking why the comparison to Stalin, some liberals believe that anyone who leans to the right at all will be fascist. That is comparable to if I were to say that anyone who is even a little liberal is comparable to Marx or Chiang Kai-Shek(which I don't say). Hyperbole rules the day now.

  13. McCain and Palin don't really fit together. He just did that for the voters sake and it WORKED!

    Palin is too conservative for him. He's a neocunt.

  14. The contempt and disrespect in your question barely merits an answer. I would like to know what poll your refering too. By what measure do you compare Sarah Palin to Stalin? Obviously you are intellectually vapid. By the way, it's 'Gallup', not 'Gallop'.

  15. Stalin..LMAO

  16. I think they asked 10 republicans & 8 said. Yes, I am so happy she is so great. She has "troopergate" & almost won a beauty contest. She popped out a baby just 4 months ago with special needs & she can take on the VP position what a superwomen. They would think she is great. Bush was a gov. & she has experience as a Govenor. She is perfect. Sportcaster. McCain is so smart it only took him one meeting & he knew. So 8 reps. out of 10 agree.

  17. because everyone is an idiot..especially if you approve palin..

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