
How do Single Mothers in thier 20's make it financially??

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I am so lost...I am now a single parent I make a little under 30k a year I go to school and Im living in a temp home! I will have to find a place of my own and I have no idea how im going to make it! Im not looking for sympathy just some insight on how these single parents that make under 30k a year manage rent here in Texas ($550-$699) daycare ($800 plus) a month and other bills...Where do I go? What do I do to survive!!!




  1. what part of Texas r u in?

    theres all kinds of help...especially if ur trying to better yourself by working or going to school.

  2. wow....i'm a single mother too and ONLY make under $25k a yr before tax.

    my advice to u......i know every yr u get tax return so if your making $30k that means u get atleast $3000-$4000 a yr for your tax return.......u should keep that money for emergency.....that will help u a lot instead of spending in a very nonsense things.

    about the day old is your child? is your child in school too?? advice instead of putting your child to a day care center....i rather put my child to after school program....which is free for LOW income family....also paying $800/mth for child care thats way be honest. i mean my son his day care provider she already have license but she ONLY get payed less than $500/mth.

    also find some resources that offer help for low income family like u.....i mean there's nothing wrong if u apply for that until u settle your own expense........right?

    plus did u file for child support....if u haven't........dear its your right to have that extra money.......looked at son's father pay me $400/mth........big help isn't??

    i'm just like u.....i don't have nobody to help me......even i have my family w/me....i cannot get their help atleast to take care of my child....which is unfair cz i did take care of their child.

    the weird part.......they know i don't make enough money......if they need money they ask me for it.....crazy hah?

    also don't lose TRUST to god....just keep on praying....with his guidance....u'll make everything possible....

  3. many have family that watch their kids many make less then you so they get food stamps WIC and low cost housing.

    You are on the bubble you make to much for government help but not enough to survive.   you may need to get a one room place and share a room with your child.  Move to a cheaper part of town. Get a room mate or even a second job. Well that is if you have someone to watch the little one. Also cut back you don't need a cell phone, cable, brand name food that will help on the bills.  i am not saying you have or do that i am just saying there are ways to cut back.  give up your car take the bus it is harder but much cheaper.

    Look for food banks and hot meal programs at churches to supplement your food bill

  4. Calm down, I have been there with two boys and one being Autistic. I made it on less money.  Find a decent place to live.  Now I not sure about Texas but do they subsidize daycare there?  Check into that.  As for your bills, what do you really need?  You don't need a cell phone and a land line etc.  Things like that.  You will have to buy second hand clothes for the kids.  You will make it.  Write down all your bills. You will have to cut back. Things will get better for you down the road and then you will be able to afford more.  Use all the resources in your area that you can find.  Good Luck!

  5. governement help. go to your local childrens and family department get food stamps  medical help and maybe even section 8 (housing allowance) and maybe daycare help as well. my sister is in the same boat and this is how she makes it through. she has 4 kids works 12-15 hour days and is barely squeaking by with help from the state or whatever. so i suggest you do some research on this and have your "agent" from childrens and family help you figure this out. there are programs out there to help hun you just need to figure it out and look  

  6. Hi Sweetie

    I am a 24 year old single parent. I do everything all by myself. I pay rent an other bills all by myself. See in life there are going to be times when you struggle but that's just life. you just have to be strong and don't give up. See Where I'm from I get help with childcare so that's not a problem for me. Email me so we can chat more I have a lot to say.


  7. most single mothers make it look and seem easy but im sure they are having a hard time as married with 2 careers i can choose from and i have a baby on the way im 20 and im not struggling but i just want my baby to have the perfect life b/c my income isnt coming in at the millions try support from family and dont be ashamed to ask the gov't for assistance....if i could i would but i make to much and so does my husband but use that until you get on your feet and get off

  8. There is programs you can apply to in which you do have to meet so requirements but they help with cost of child care while you are working or going to school. There may be a waiting list but it's worth a try. link is below.

    Hope it Helps!

  9. Well, if you don't have help from family why are you staying in that area? Sometimes you have to relocate to a place that pays more or where the cost of living is lower. Maybe see if you can find a roommate who has a child around your kid's age and you guys can do a childcare share.

  10. i wanted to add sign up for coupons at huggies,pampers,luvs. Angel Food ministry is a great help also (food-wise) you can order a big box of food for $30! they also have additional packages.  they have locations in texas. you might want to check into subsidized housing you have to make under a certain amount to live there. or even into public housing (rent based off of your income).  good luck

  11. Try your local WIC office. WIC stands for Women, Infant and Children. It is a nutrition program and will help you with basic grocery needs and depending on your child's age, if under 5 years, you can get formula and baby food. This helps a lot, as groceries are expensive!

    Other than this, I think you make too much for any other assistance. I have a new found respect for single mothers now that I am a mom. My husband and I always talk about how hard it is together, we cannot imagine having to do it alone. I hope you have a strong network of family and friends helping you.

    I wish you the very best. Good luck!

  12. You need to live where you can afford to. Smaller towns usually have lower expenses. Your rent is higher than a 5 bedroom home would cost per month in my area. You could try a babysitting arrangement with someone who needs a sitter for when your not at work who could watch the child when you do. Buying generic, getting rid of cell phones, and other luxuries.  

  13. WOW@ the average rent, i would suggest MOVING! I stay in SC we are a little lower on the rent then againz im not sure how to answer this question im sorry i hope everything works out for u, its hard for every one even the ones that make MORE then u

  14. You'll be fine. Your state should have day care programs for single parents. You can also find a cheap apt. I pay $795 for a cheep 2 bedroom in the ghetto (I'm in Washington state though).  

  15. I've known single mothers that do very well and those that struggle. I guess you just put your head down and do what you have to and work to do better. I've always wondered why single mom's didn't team up and be roommates or house mates to help each other with finances and child care. If I was in your shoes that's an option I would consider. Good luck :)

  16. I don't know but do you think about this before you got pregnant and after

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