
How do South African men treat their wives and girlfriends in general?

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I've just started seeing one and I am curious.




  1. Like all other:

    Show you a few time how a car's door operates then you can do it yourself promise you the world just to be able to jump in to bed with you

    the normal staff

  2. Broadly generalising- black South Africans beat their wives and have many girlfriends and are allowed many wives and girlfriends.Women must obey their husbands

    White males are either Afrikaans or English. Afrikaaners are serious and proud and can be very religious. Good folk generally. Traditional olde world.

    English South Africans are more laid back and treat their women very well. They do not like shouting ,raving ,common behaviour which is so rife in England. Generally more refined and gentile. You won't go far wrong with a South African because they are generally more educated and refined than the rubbish over here.

  3. My boyfriend is South African and I am Zimbabwean.

    But to be honest it doesn't always matter where they come from it's who they are.

    Generally SA men are brought up to be very respectful and have alot of manners.  My man loves, cherishes and protects me with every bone in his body. He's so romantic, he writes me little love notes all the time and letters too. He is there for me not only physically but emotionally too. When my grandfather died this year he was so supportive of me and helped me get through it. We've been through alot together and it's made us both stronger people and therefore we have a stronger relationship. I know he can annoy me at times but I love him very much and wouldn't change him for the world! (Yet anyway, lol)


    Well if they have been brought up more old fashioned like most are then they will most probably "expect" woman to be a stay at home mom and a house wife. My dad however, was not like this. SA woman are very strong people and will tell the man where to jump if he puts his foot over the line.

    Not mall men are the same and we shouldn't label them like they shouldn't label us because we are all different an unique although we might have some of the some traits as other women or men we are not ALL the same!

    I hope your relationship goes in the direction you want and best  of luck with everything life offers you both!

  4. My brother is an English speaking South African married to an Afrikaans speaking woman.  My brother is the dominant partner, and expects his wife to fit in with his plans, and she does.  They seem to have a functional relationship, but I would prefer to be treated more equally.  It could, of course, be that an Afrikaans speaking woman LIKES to be slightly subordinate. It could also be that my brother, as a school teacher, likes to be the one in charge.  

    I suppose it also depends upon the social standing, whether the people are lower working class, middle working class, or what ever.  Many men expect their wives to stay at home, while they earn the money.  Others expect their wives to earn to supplement the household income.  

    We are too diverse a nation to generalise.  But we have come far since the Neanderthal man clubbed his wife on the head, and dragged her off into his cave !!

  5. South African men are wonderful, you have to distinguish between an English and an Afrikaans man, Afrikaans mothers spoil their sons rotten, they do not lift a finger in the house, (we have maids to do that for us). English men tend to be more "independant". Most Afrikaans men expect their women to make them tea, coffee etc. But times have changed, more women work now full time and the men are also helping more around the house than say 50 years ago. What does he expect from you? Well have to be able to cook that is for sure, make him nice milktarts, koeksisters, bobotie, bredies the way I buy all my tarts from a home industry.....Ag what ever you do be nice to him, South African men are adorable and the best!

  6. SA is a very diverse country I think it would be difficult to generalise. Like everywhere else it all depends on what culture he grew up in, which class, urbanised or rural, and how educated he is. Most educated, urbanised men that I know are very polite and have excellent manners. They treat their partners like ladies and are very protective but they do respect them as well and don't have a 1950s attitude in regards to women working, none of them expect their woman to stay home barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen -- they do however expect them to be able to cook but most of them can cook as well.

    Best of luck :-) I'm sure you will know how he is soon.

  7. They beat their wives and daughters just like every other man, location has nothing to do with raw instinct.

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